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Getting Started with Chameleon F-LOOP 2.0 Magloop Antenna

The CHA F-LOOP 2.0 was designed with portability, ease of use simplicity, ruggedness and high performance in mind. Unlike any other similar antennas on the…

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Introducing the RSP1A SDR from SDRPlay

“The folks at SDRPlay were nice enough to send me their new RSP1A SDR. Some very significant upgrades come with this new model. Any of…

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Vi presentiamo ESPertino STARTER KIT, l’ultima novità di casa EOS per makers e appassionati di IoT. L’internet delle cose è ormai una realtà affermata. L’obiettivo…

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First Ducie Island DXpedition in a Decade Set for Late 2018

Fonte originale con articolo completo Articolo First Ducie Island DXpedition in a Decade Set for Late 2018 su Etere Blog | Radioamatori | Amateur Radio…

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Reputed World’s Oldest Ham Jean Touzot, F8IL, SK

Fonte originale con articolo completo Articolo Reputed World’s Oldest Ham Jean Touzot, F8IL, SK su Etere Blog | Radioamatori | Amateur Radio | HamRadio |…

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Amateur Radio Newsline Report 2092 for Friday, December 1 , 2017


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4Y1A International Civil Aviation ICAO. From DXNews.com

Andy, RW3AH informs dxnews.com, that members of United Nations Amateur Radio DX Contest Club 4U1A will be active as 4Y1A, for International Civil Aviation Day.,…

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VP6D Ducie Island DX Pedition. From DXNews.com

Radio Amateurs memebers of the PDXG DX Group will be active from Ducie Island, IOTA OC – 182, as VP6D, October – November 2018., VP6D…

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Firmware 141 Speciale AEROSPACE & DEFENSE

È uscito il nuovo numero di Firmware di Dicembre! Il focus di questo mese è dedicato al settore dell’AEROSPACE & DEFENSE, approfondiremo insieme l’elettronica di…

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EOS-BOOK #3B Mini registratore allo stato solido con ESPertino

È uscito l’EOS-Book di Dicembre! La copertina di questo mese è dedicata alla scheda ESPertino, di cui vedremo numerose possibilità di applicazione, incluso l’utilizzo dell’ESPertino STARTER…

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6W7/F6HMJ Senegal. From DXNews.com

Jacques, F6HMJ will be active from Senegal, 21 December 2017 – 15 January 2018 as 6W7/F6HMJ., 6W7/F6HMJ Senegal. From DXNews.com, ,

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Review of QRP Labs QCX QRP Radio

“Unboxing, building and using the QRP Labs QCX single-band, 5-watt QRP radio. This advanced technology radio borrows ideas from software-defined radios. The final amplifier is…

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Coaxial Cable vs Balanced Lines – “ARRL The Doctor is In“ [PODCAST]

“Coaxial Cable vs Balanced Lines” is the topic of the current (November 23) episode of the “ARRL The Doctor is In“ podcast. Listen…and learn! More…

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Mini registratore allo stato solido con ESPertino

A grande richiesta pubblichiamo una semplice e didattica applicazione audio. Molti lettori ci hanno chiesto, infatti, se era possibile registrare o riprodurre dei suoni audio…

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Cosa succederebbe se di colpo venisse a mancare la tecnologia?

La civiltà umana vive immersa nelle comodità. Essa è circondata da tante invenzioni che le permettono di condurre, giustamente, una vita il più possibile esente…

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Mosfet con diodo SRD da Toshiba

Toshiba ha annunciato l’ampliamento della sua gamma di MOSFET basati sul suo processo di semiconduttore trench U-MOS-IX-H di ultima generazione con un dispositivo da 40…

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6Y6Y Jamaica. From DXNews.com

Lester, W8YCM will be active from Jamaica, IOTA NA – 097, until January 2018 as 6Y6Y., 6Y6Y Jamaica. From DXNews.com, ,

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3B8XF Mauritius Island. From DXNews.com

Nigel, G3TXF will be active from Mauritius Island, IOTA AF – 049, 10 – 11 Mach 2018 as 3B8XF., 3B8XF Mauritius Island. From DXNews.com, ,

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V47UR Saint Kitts Island. From DXNews.com

Bernie, W3UR will be active from Saint Kitts Island, IOTA NA – 104, 29 January – 12 February 2018, as V47UR., V47UR Saint Kitts Island….

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A Mini-Storm Launch & A Fast Wind Chaser: Solar Storm Forecast 11-29-2017

“We await the arrival of a glancing blow from a mini-solar storm due to hit today. Although its not expected to be a strong impact,…

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Slow-Scan TV Transmissions from ISS Scheduled for December 6-8

ARISS has announced that the MAI-75 Slow-Scan (SSTV) system in the Russian Service Module of the International Space Station (ISS) will be on the air starting on…

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Amateur Radio-Carrying D-Star One CubeSat among Spacecraft Apparently Lost

The first Amateur Radio satellite to employ the D-Star digital voice and data format — D-Star One — was among about 20 secondary payloads lost…

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VHDL for beginners: Testbench

Nelle prime tre lezioni di questo corso base per il VHDL abbiamo affrontato tutti gli elementi base che consentono la progettazione di un componente in…

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FCC Dismisses Radio Amateur’s Petition to Revise Call Sign Rules

The FCC has dismissed a rule making petition filed last May by Thomas J. Alessi, K1TA, of Stamford, Connecticut, that sought to amend the Part…

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5W0DXA Apia Samoa. From DXNews.com

Katsu, JA1DXA informs dxnews.com, that he will be active from Samoa, IOTA OC – 097, 2 – 6 December 2017 as 5W0DXA., 5W0DXA Apia Samoa….