Bidding is Now Open for the 12th Annual ARRL On-Line Auction!
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Bidding is Now Open for the 12th Annual ARRL On-Line Auction!

Fonte originale con articolo completo Articolo Bidding is Now Open for the 12th Annual ARRL On-Line Auction! su Etere Blog.

RadFxSat (Fox-1B) FM Satellite Set to Launch in November
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RadFxSat (Fox-1B) FM Satellite Set to Launch in November

The next AMSAT Fox-1 satellite, RadFxSat (Fox-1B), is scheduled to launch on November 10 at 0947 UTC. RadFxSat (Fox-1B), which will carry a 435/145 MHz…

Radioastronomi a Gorga
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Radioastronomi a Gorga

Il XIII° Congresso Nazionale di Radioastronomia Amatoriale cambia ancora location e per la prima volta sarà ospitato nel Lazio. Un altro tassello della nostra magnifica…

Amateur Radio Newsline Report 2086 for Friday, October 20, 2017
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Amateur Radio Newsline Report 2086 for Friday, October 20, 2017


FT5WQ FT5WQ/MM Crozet Islands. From
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FT5WQ FT5WQ/MM Crozet Islands. From

Gildas, TU5KG is planning to be active from Crozet Islands, IOTA AF – 008, as FT5WQ., FT5WQ FT5WQ/MM Crozet Islands. From, ,

S79KB Mahe Island Seychelles. From
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S79KB Mahe Island Seychelles. From

Kasimir, DL2SBY will be active active again as S79KB from Mahe Island, IOTA AF – 024, 20 October – 1 November 2017., S79KB Mahe Island…

PJ4K Bonaire Island. From
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PJ4K Bonaire Island. From

WA3LRO, N3RD, W1MD, N6KT will be active from Bonaire Island, IOTA SA – 006, as PJ4K in CQ WW DX SSB Contest 28 – 29…

Illuminazione a LED: un futuro radioso
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Illuminazione a LED: un futuro radioso

Sebbene la tecnologia dei LED (Light Emitting Diode – diodi a emissione luminosa) non rappresenti certo una novità, in quanto esiste da oltre mezzo secolo,…

3XY3D 3XY3D/P Kassa Island Los Islands. From
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3XY3D 3XY3D/P Kassa Island Los Islands. From

Alain F5OZC and Sebastien F8DQZ will be active from Kassa Island, Los Islands (Iles de Los), IOTA AF – 051, 1 – 30 November 2017…

Radioscambio a Siena
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Radioscambio a Siena

Stazioni ARS al CQWW 2017
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Stazioni ARS al CQWW 2017

Riceviamo e pubblichiamo dal nostro HF manager IZ1MHY Andrea: “Ciao a tutti, questo fine mese e precisamente i giorni 28/29 Ottobre si svolgerà uno dei contest…

Dispositivi di interfaccia di rilevazione multi-switch (MSDI) da TI
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Dispositivi di interfaccia di rilevazione multi-switch (MSDI) da TI

TI ha introdotto due dispositivi di interfaccia di rilevazione multi-switch (MSDI) che consumano fino al 98% di potenza in meno rispetto alle soluzioni discrete tradizionali….

Un viaggiatore del tempo che ha trascorso 2 anni nel futuro!
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Un viaggiatore del tempo che ha trascorso 2 anni nel futuro!

E’ possibile viaggiare nel tempo? Secondo le teorie convenzionali è impossibile, almeno non per gli esseri umani. La teoria della relatività dimostra teoricamente come in…

California Fire Situation Improves
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California Fire Situation Improves

San Francisco Section District Emergency Coordinator Len Gwinn, WA6KLK, in the Redwood Valley told ARRL this week that Amateur Radio volunteers in Mendocino and Lake…

Focus on Emergency Communication at Pacificon 2017
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Focus on Emergency Communication at Pacificon 2017

Emergency communication will be a prominent part of the program at Pacificon 2017, the ARRL Pacific Division Convention, October 20-22 in San Ramon, California, sponsored…

Missaglia: trenta iscritti per il corso base di Protezione civile – Casateonline
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Missaglia: trenta iscritti per il corso base di Protezione civile – Casateonline

Casateonline Missaglia: trenta iscritti per il corso base di Protezione civileCasateonlineSeguiranno gli interventi, alle prossime lezioni dei dottori Guido Villa del’AREU 118, Mario Modica comandante…

“Force of 50” Volunteers’ Puerto Rico Hurricane Recovery Mission Ends
0 41

“Force of 50” Volunteers’ Puerto Rico Hurricane Recovery Mission Ends

The 22 “Force of 50” radio amateurs who deployed to Puerto Rico earlier this month as American Red Cross volunteers have ended their mission and…

SDRuno v1.2 BETA Sneak Peek
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SDRuno v1.2 BETA Sneak Peek

SDRplay is a UK company. The RSP SDR receivers are made in the UK and can be purchased for worldwide delivery directly from  Antenna…

VU2BMS India. From
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VU2BMS India. From

Bernhard, DL2GAC will be active from India 28 November 2017 – 24 January 2018 as VU2BMS., VU2BMS India. From, ,

H44MS Solomon Islands. From
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H44MS Solomon Islands. From

Bernhard, DL2GAC will be active from Malaita Island, IOTA OC – 047, Solomon Islands, starting 18 October 2017 as H44MS., H44MS Solomon Islands. From,…

V31WB Belize. From
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V31WB Belize. From

Doug, WB5TKI will be active from Belize 21 – 28 October 2017 as V31WB., V31WB Belize. From, ,

YJ0JA Efate Island Vanuatu. From
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YJ0JA Efate Island Vanuatu. From

Tom, JA1VND will be active from Efate Island, IOTA OC – 035, Vanuatu, 15 – 20 November 2017 as YJ0JA., YJ0JA Efate Island Vanuatu. From…

Risparmio energetico: il ruolo chiave dell’illuminazione a stato solido
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Risparmio energetico: il ruolo chiave dell’illuminazione a stato solido

Grazie alla continua erosione dei prezzi l’illuminazione a LED sta via via sostituendo le soluzioni di illuminazioni tradizionali, più ingombranti e meno efficienti, e si…

David Trachtenberg, N4WWL, Confirmed as Principal Deputy Undersecretary of Defense for Policy
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David Trachtenberg, N4WWL, Confirmed as Principal Deputy Undersecretary of Defense for Policy

The US Senate today confirmed ARRL member David Trachtenberg, N4WWL, of Burke, Virginia, as the next Principal Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Policy. Trachtenberg,…

New Ham Bands Spring to Life; Veteran LF Experimenter Denied Amateur Access to 2200 Meters
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New Ham Bands Spring to Life; Veteran LF Experimenter Denied Amateur Access to 2200 Meters

Photo:VO1NA Amateur Radio’s two newest bands came to life on Friday the 13th. Both 630 meters (472-479 kHz) and 2200 meters (135.7-137.8 kHz) bands now…