The Baker of Heraklion. From
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The Baker of Heraklion. From

There are many bakeries in the main city of the Greek island Crete. But there is only one with a large HF antenna on the…

Assistant Editor Vacancy
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Assistant Editor Vacancy

The RSGB is looking for an Assistant Editor to join the team that produces its suite of RadCom publications. The successful candidate will be involved…

A25AO Botswana. From
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A25AO Botswana. From

A25AO Botswana QSL design completed. Thanks to ON5UR., A25AO Botswana. From, ,

Contributo radioamatori 2025 – Precisazioni
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Contributo radioamatori 2025 – Precisazioni

Per scaricare il documento completo in PDF cliccare sull’immagine

My amateur radio inspiration by Carl, G8UGJ/G0TQM
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My amateur radio inspiration by Carl, G8UGJ/G0TQM

A number of childhood experiences have stuck with me and inspired me to take up the hobby. I have a memory of rummaging through a…

My amateur radio inspiration by Gerry Gee, 2E0FVC
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My amateur radio inspiration by Gerry Gee, 2E0FVC

My experience with radio first came during my work in the Police. One of my Sergeants, David Jelley who is now Silent Key, was a…

Be inspired by the RSGB National Radio Centre
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Be inspired by the RSGB National Radio Centre

The RSGB National Radio Centre (NRC) receives thousands of visitors through its doors each week. For some it may only be a passing visit, but…

What inspires young radio amateurs to get licensed?
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What inspires young radio amateurs to get licensed?

If you are a young person and interested in becoming a radio amateur, read our interview with Henry, age 17, and hear how he got…

*Exclusive New Product* Westland Retro Mod DDS CB Radio
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*Exclusive New Product* Westland Retro Mod DDS CB Radio


SV9CVY – Big Gun of Crete. From
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SV9CVY – Big Gun of Crete. From

I remember when I visited Crete for the first time some 20 years ago, the Amateur Radio activity in the island was quite limited., SV9CVY…

Review Club Finder information for your club
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Review Club Finder information for your club

If you are a member of an RSGB-affiliated club or society, the RSGB is encouraging you to check that your organisation’s details are up to…

Nominations open for two RSGB Elected Board Directors
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Nominations open for two RSGB Elected Board Directors

If you are an RSGB member, have excellent leadership skills and would like to contribute to the amateur radio community, how about becoming an RSGB…

RSGB is official British Science Week partner
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RSGB is official British Science Week partner

The RSGB is delighted to announce that it is an official partner for British Science Week 2025, run by the British Science Association. The RSGB…

GB2RS News Script for 19 January 2025
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GB2RS News Script for 19 January 2025

Tap or click the link below to download this week’s news script News script for 19 January 2025 (MS Word document)

A Lift on PMR446 (With Al 26TC101)
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A Lift on PMR446 (With Al 26TC101)

Video:YouTube/Al 25TC101’s World Of Radio PMR446 can be a lot of fun, low power and tiny antennas can get some amazing results, and every now…

HG7T Contest Station Hungary. From
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HG7T Contest Station Hungary. From

Five years ago Tibor acquired a large flat meadow in the middle of a forest, east of Debrecen in Hungary. The location had been used…

YS3CW El Salvador. From
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YS3CW El Salvador. From

I2JIN is currently active from El Salvador as YS3CW., YS3CW El Salvador. From, ,

COMPLETED: Essential maintenance: HQ phones upgrade
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COMPLETED: Essential maintenance: HQ phones upgrade

UPDATE 12:50 15/01/2025 Works to upgrade the RSGB HQ phone system have now completed successfully. In the event you have any issue making a call…

Check back soon!
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Check back soon!

We don’t have any vacancies at the moment but we will be advertising some roles soon, so keep an eye on our comms channels and…

UPDATE : Radioddity CB-606 PRO with Multi Norms for UK/EU
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UPDATE : Radioddity CB-606 PRO with Multi Norms for UK/EU

Video:YouTube/M0OGY This little radio has all the EU/UK bands!

Z81Z South Sudan. From
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Z81Z South Sudan. From

Ken, K4ZW will be active again as Z81Z from South Sudan, 20 – 24 January 2025., Z81Z South Sudan. From, ,

C5SP Gambia. From
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C5SP Gambia. From

Przemo, SP3PS is currently active again as C5SP from Gambia., C5SP Gambia. From, ,

NEW: Radioddity CB-606 PRO CB Radio – UK/WORLD FIRST
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NEW: Radioddity CB-606 PRO CB Radio – UK/WORLD FIRST

Video:YouTube/M0OGY Dave is back with a UK first look, possibly WORLD FIRST LOOK at the new Radioddity CB-6060 PRO

TZ1CE Mali. From
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TZ1CE Mali. From

Ulmar, DK1CE will be active again as TZ1CE from Mali, 28 January – 20 February 2025., TZ1CE Mali. From, ,

UA9BA Simple and effective 160m antenna at UA9BA. From
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UA9BA Simple and effective 160m antenna at UA9BA. From

I live on a limited lot measuring 47m by 89m, but the good thing about it is its proximity to salt lake Karataban of 1…