YOTA Summer Camp 2022 | Day 3
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YOTA Summer Camp 2022 | Day 3

Monday, 2022-08-08 The hardest part of the third day has directly been the very first task of the day: getting up such that one will…

Arduino o Raspberry Pi: quale scheda sceglierò per il mio prossimo progetto?
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Arduino o Raspberry Pi: quale scheda sceglierò per il mio prossimo progetto?

Nel precedente articolo abbiamo analizzato in linea generale quali sono le possibili applicazioni di Arduino e Raspberry Pi, le piattaforme hardware maggiormente utilizzate dai makers…

Elecraft – Dayton Hamvention
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Elecraft – Dayton Hamvention

2022 saw the return of the Dayton Hamvention and also celebrated the 70th anniversary of the world’s largest ham radio trade show. Ham Radio Outlet…

Progettiamo una Sensor Network per i parametri ambientali – Parte 4
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Progettiamo una Sensor Network per i parametri ambientali – Parte 4

Nell’ultimo decennio si sono sviluppate moltissime piattaforme hardware orientate all’Internet of Things in tutte le sue forme: domotica, monitoraggio, applicazioni industriali, automotive e tanto altro….

Wouxun KG-1000G GMRS 50 Watt Mobile Transceiver
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Wouxun KG-1000G GMRS 50 Watt Mobile Transceiver

Wouxun KG-1000G GMRS 50 Watt Mobile Transceiver With TONS Of Features Antenna Building Coaxial Cable Traps by W8WWV March 14, 2015 No comments   “…

Is an FT-818 worth it in 2022?
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Is an FT-818 worth it in 2022?

FT-818 This week Tony and Gary revisit Yaesu’s FT-818 and discuss if it is still relevant in 2022? Antenna TennTennas Mini EFHW 49:1 25W All…

Regular Man Fits PL259 Coax Connectors
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Regular Man Fits PL259 Coax Connectors

Not all PL259s are the same. The newer designs are a superior design and accurate. Anyway, I nearly cock this up. Perhaps rate me out…

Day 1 | Friday, 2022-08-06
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Day 1 | Friday, 2022-08-06

The long awaited and unfortunately twice postponed 10th edition of a YOTA Summer Camp has finally started this evening. From August 6th to August 13th the…

SARK100 HF Antenna Analyzer
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SARK100 HF Antenna Analyzer

SARK100 HF Antenna Analyzer “Here we take a look at the SARK100 Antenna Analyzer. Discontinued in KIT Form in 2011 but STILL available to purchase…

Win4IcomSuite (version 1.422)
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Win4IcomSuite (version 1.422)

Win4IcomSuite There is a new release of Win4IcomSuite (version 1.422). This release adds support for the Scroll modes for the CI-V based panadapters as well…

ACOM 06AT is almost ready
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ACOM 06AT is almost ready

ACOM 06AT antenna tuner & switch teaser Are you looking for a desktop antenna tuner and switch for your astonishing ACOM solid-state amplifier? Expect more…

New ARRL Radio Lab Will Inspire Your Ham Shack!
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New ARRL Radio Lab Will Inspire Your Ham Shack!

Introducing the brand new ARRL Radio Laboratory, W1HQ! Join Jherica Goodgame, KI5HTA, as she walks you through everything there is to know about this newest…

Why is my signal so strong? My HF ham radio portable antenna kit
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Why is my signal so strong? My HF ham radio portable antenna kit

What do I carry with me when I hit the road for a Parks on the Air or some other kind of portable radio activity….

Hamchallenge: and the winners are ?
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Hamchallenge: and the winners are ?

On April 30th, the first edition of “IARU Region 1 Hamchallenge” has been announced which is an initiative to bring new ideas to the Amateur…

Comunicazione dati – Parte 1
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Comunicazione dati – Parte 1

Sul blog di Elettronica Open Source puoi leggere non solo tutti gli articoli Premium riservati agli abbonati Platinum 2.0 e inseriti nella rivista Firmware 2.0…

Ladder Logic per PIC e AVR
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Ladder Logic per PIC e AVR

Sul blog di Elettronica Open Source puoi leggere non solo tutti gli articoli Premium riservati agli abbonati Platinum 2.0 e inseriti nella rivista Firmware 2.0…

Arduino e Raspberry Pi: le piattaforme più utilizzate dai makers di tutto il mondo
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Arduino e Raspberry Pi: le piattaforme più utilizzate dai makers di tutto il mondo

Prima di cimentarsi nel realizzare progetti elettronici con Arduino e Raspberry Pi, è bene conoscerne le differenze chiave. Arduino e Raspberry Pi sono le più…

OpenHAB per la domotica
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OpenHAB per la domotica

L’evoluzione tecnologica dell’ultimo decennio innescata dalla filosofia dell’Internet of Things ha coinvolto diversi settori consumer ad elevato potenziale, tra tutti troviamo sicuramente la casa che…

Why Is This Dipole Tactical? Chameleon TD 2.0
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Why Is This Dipole Tactical? Chameleon TD 2.0

While I was out at Dave Canterburry’s Gathering I tested the Chameleon Tactical Dipole 2.0 The CHA TD 2.0 is a broadband High Frequency (HF) antenna specially…

VERO VGC VR-UV4 Quad Band IP68 Two Way Radio
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VERO VGC VR-UV4 Quad Band IP68 Two Way Radio

VERO VGC VR-UV4 Here we take a look at the VR-UV4 Quad Band IP68 Two Way Radio from Vero, VGC. Product Name: VR-UV4 Quad Band IP68…

This is a discussion about price, cost and value of antennas
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This is a discussion about price, cost and value of antennas

Jim W6LG talks about expensive antennas that do not radiate as advertised. That is to say, an expensive antenna that promises superior results may actually…

Display touch per Arduino – Parte 3
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Display touch per Arduino – Parte 3

In questa terza e ultima parte della serie “Display touch per Arduino” analizziamo l’aspetto legato al software, le librerie e uno sketch di esempio.  Librerie…

T8YA T8AR Babeldaob Island Palau. From DXNews.com
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T8YA T8AR Babeldaob Island Palau. From DXNews.com

Bob, W7YAQ and Al, K7AR will be active as T8YA and T8AR from Choll, Babeldaob island, IOTA OC – 009, Palau, 19 – 28 November…

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06 – 09 October 2022, Hotel Materada, Poreč First annual international Contest meeting for HF & VHF contesters.Idea was born by 9A1P in the year…

PockeTATOR mini Ver1.0
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PockeTATOR mini Ver1.0

“The other day, we developed Pocke TATOR Jr., whose function is limited only to rotation movements, and we also distributed it for the first time.I…