NEW RADIO – Yaesu FT-710
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NEW RADIO – Yaesu FT-710

  Yaesu have announced a new radio in the shape of the FT-710 The radio will cover 160-6m with 100w output. There are also two…

Progettiamo una Sensor Network per i parametri ambientali – Parte 1
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Progettiamo una Sensor Network per i parametri ambientali – Parte 1

Nell’ultimo decennio si sono sviluppate moltissime piattaforme hardware orientate all’Internet of Things in tutte le sue forme ed applicazioni: domotica, monitoraggio, applicazioni industriali, automotive e…

LU1ZD San Martin Base Barry Island. From
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LU1ZD San Martin Base Barry Island. From

LU1ZD will be active from Antarctic San Martin Base, Barry Island, IOTA AN-016, during July 2022., LU1ZD San Martin Base Barry Island. From, ,

LU4ZS Marambio Station Seymour Island. From
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LU4ZS Marambio Station Seymour Island. From

LU4ZS will be active from Marambio station, Seymour Island, IOTA AN-013, Antarctica, during July 2022., LU4ZS Marambio Station Seymour Island. From, ,

Yaesu FTM 200DR & FTM 300DR – Dayton Hamvention 2022
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Yaesu FTM 200DR & FTM 300DR – Dayton Hamvention 2022

2022 saw the return of the Dayton Hamvention and also celebrated the 70th anniversary of the world’s largest ham radio trade show. Ham Radio Outlet…

Avnet Abacus è stata premiata con il TDK European Distribution Gold Award
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Avnet Abacus è stata premiata con il TDK European Distribution Gold Award

Avnet Abacus, società leader in Europa nella distribuzione di prodotti d’interconnessione, componenti passivi, dispositivi elettromeccanici e unità di potenza, nonché divisione regionale di Avnet, è…

Adding dB Gain to your Transmit Signal. Howe much difference?
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Adding dB Gain to your Transmit Signal. Howe much difference?

There are a number of ways to add dB gain to your transmitted signal. But how much difference does 3dB or 6dB make? Is it…

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To support amateur self-training in radiocommunications including improving amateur operating skills, conducting technical investigations, and intercommunicating with other amateurs around the world, especially IARU member…

10-Min Tear-Down DX Commander Expedition Antenna
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10-Min Tear-Down DX Commander Expedition Antenna

My Holiday Ham Radio Antenna. NOTE: I used a Classic Stay-Up kit as an experiment. These are not normally supplied but I was away for…

ARRL Field Day 2022: 500,000 Contacts Already Reported
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ARRL Field Day 2022: 500,000 Contacts Already Reported

2022 ARRL target=”_blank” href=”” rel=”noreferrer noopener”>Field Day wrapped up nearly a week ago, and ARRL Headquarters has already received over 2,400 entries submitted via the online target=”_blank” href=””…

Better Ground Radials for the Wolf River Coil
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Better Ground Radials for the Wolf River Coil

I demonstrate an improved ground radial system for the Wolf River Coil Silver Bullet 1000 Antenna Another Look at the4 Alpha-Delta DX-EE Antenna April 08,…

La realizzazione di Industry 4.0: considerazioni sistemiche essenziali
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La realizzazione di Industry 4.0: considerazioni sistemiche essenziali

Sul blog di Elettronica Open Source puoi leggere non solo tutti gli articoli Premium riservati agli abbonati Platinum 2.0 e inseriti nella rivista Firmware 2.0…

TX5XG Austral Islands. From
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TX5XG Austral Islands. From

Haru, JA1XGI will be active as TX5XG from Austral Islands, 2 – 9 November 2022., TX5XG Austral Islands. From, ,

Generatore di funzioni DDS fino a 10 MHz
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Generatore di funzioni DDS fino a 10 MHz

Gli integrati operanti in tecnologia DDS (Direct Digital Synthesis) sono oggi facili da reperire, e semplificano enormemente la progettazione della parte analogica di un generatore…

CARS HQ to participate in the IARU HF Championship as C4HQ
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CARS HQ to participate in the IARU HF Championship as C4HQ

C4HQ After many years of inactivity, a number of CARS members will be activating the C4HQ callsign during the upcoming IARU HF Championship to be…

New PicoAPRS V4
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New PicoAPRS V4

PicoAPRS V4 VHF radio 1W TX pwr Bluetooth Wifi Microphone& speaker for voice com. USB-C on the side Color IPS screen 5 way button+PTT PicoAPRS…

Firmware 2.0 #25: Robotics-Cloud Computing
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Firmware 2.0 #25: Robotics-Cloud Computing

E’ online il nuovo numero della rivista di elettronica Firmware 2.0 dedicata a Makers, Professionisti e Appassionati. Questo numero della rivista è focalizzato sul tema…

DX0NE Spratly Islands. From
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DX0NE Spratly Islands. From

DX0NE Team planning activity from Spratly Islands, IOTA AS – 051, 1 August – 31 December 2022., DX0NE Spratly Islands. From, ,

Transmit Without License During An Emergency? Save Life & Property?
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Transmit Without License During An Emergency? Save Life & Property?

Tony DeWitte AD0DQ, joins me to explain when it is legal for you to transmit outside of your radio privileges to save life or protect…

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The complete software suite to Edit, Analyze, Generate Statistics, View multiple logs simultaneously, Map QSOs, Import and Export to Cabrillo or ADIF files. Antenna…

MFJ-914 Auto Antenna Extender – Review
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MFJ-914 Auto Antenna Extender – Review

The MFJ-914 offers a way of extending the matching range of the internal ATU inside any transceiver. If your internal ATU is struggling to achieve…

PSMC – Controllore Programmabile a Commutazione
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PSMC – Controllore Programmabile a Commutazione

Sul blog di Elettronica Open Source puoi leggere non solo tutti gli articoli Premium riservati agli abbonati Platinum 2.0 e inseriti nella rivista Firmware 2.0…

More on Grounding
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More on Grounding

Scott, N3CRS, has emailed Dave a very well organized list of questions that have to do with the subject of grounding. Lets see if Dave…

IARU R1 SRLC at HamRadio2022
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IARU R1 SRLC at HamRadio2022

The IARU Region 1 Spectrum Regulation and Liaison Committee (SRLC) chair took part in a joint session with the R1 Political Relations Committee (PRC) during…

Caribbean Emergency networks activate for potential tropical cyclone.
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Caribbean Emergency networks activate for potential tropical cyclone.

Carlos CO2JC, IARU Region 2 Emergency Communications Co-ordinator reports that a potential tropical cyclone is entering the Caribbean Sea on Wednesday June 29 and the…