Radio Signals: What happens if there’s a hill in the way?
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Radio Signals: What happens if there’s a hill in the way?

“Let us understand what happens if you have a hill or mountain in the way of your radio signal because I recently published a video…

4 Way Remote Antenna Switch with WiFi
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4 Way Remote Antenna Switch with WiFi

Remote Antenna Switch 2022 saw the return of the Dayton Hamvention and also celebrated the 70th anniversary of the world’s largest ham radio trade show….

I nuovi oscilloscopi Mixed Signal Serie 2 di Tektronix
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I nuovi oscilloscopi Mixed Signal Serie 2 di Tektronix

Tektronix, Inc, leader nel mercato delle soluzioni innovative per test, misurazione e monitoraggio, ha annunciato l’introduzione degli oscilloscopi a segnali misti della Serie 2, strumenti…

ITU‑R Working Party 5A Meets in Geneva
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ITU‑R Working Party 5A Meets in Geneva

The latest meeting of ITU‑R WP5A concluded on June 2, 2022. The IARU was represented by Ole Garpstad (LA2RR – ITU Lead) and Barry Lewis…

Memorizziamo i dati in maniera sicura con il confidential computing
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Memorizziamo i dati in maniera sicura con il confidential computing

Al giorno d’oggi, grandi quantità di dati personali girano sul web: si va dalle nostre preferenze in fatto di vestiario, che service provider come Amazon…

Cosa sono i biosegnali?
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Cosa sono i biosegnali?

Sul blog di Elettronica Open Source puoi leggere non solo tutti gli articoli Premium riservati agli abbonati Platinum 2.0 e inseriti nella rivista Firmware 2.0…

K7K Kiska Island Alaska. From
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K7K Kiska Island Alaska. From

K7K Team will be active from Kiska Island, IOTA NA – 070, 23 – 30 July 2022., K7K Kiska Island Alaska. From, ,

9G1AA Ghana 2022. From
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9G1AA Ghana 2022. From

PA3DEW and PA3FQX will be active as 9G1AA from Ghana, during June 2022., 9G1AA Ghana 2022. From, ,

L’era dei semiconduttori: dinamiche, scenario globale e il ruolo strategico dell’Italia
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L’era dei semiconduttori: dinamiche, scenario globale e il ruolo strategico dell’Italia

Il mercato dei semiconduttori è notevolmente complesso e in rapida evoluzione. Ad oggi, bisogna aggiungere anche che lo scenario del conflitto nell’Europa Orientale impatta sugli…

Il primo impianto di produzione “ChiP” del settore
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Il primo impianto di produzione “ChiP” del settore

Vicor apre il primo impianto di produzione “ChiP” (Converter housed in Package) del settore, una vera e propria fabbrica integrata verticalmente con una maggiore capacità…

DIAMOND VX-30 Antenna Review 
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DIAMOND VX-30 Antenna Review 

DIAMOND VX-30 Peter Waters G3OJV, explains why the Diamond VX-30 could be the ideal antenna for those new to ham radio who would like to…

ISM Packet Decoder Plugin For SDR Sharp – RTL 433
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ISM Packet Decoder Plugin For SDR Sharp – RTL 433

Here we take a look at the RTL433 Plugin for SDR Sharp, making it easy to decode ISM RF Packets. Antenna Antenna Traps You…

Increase in unidentified intruders
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Increase in unidentified intruders

IARUMS newsletter IARU Monitoring System (IARUMS) Region 1 newsletter reports an increase in unidentified intruders in the amateur radio bands following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine…

VHF+ Newsletter 89
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VHF+ Newsletter 89

The IARU Region 1 VHF+ Newsletter #89 is now available on the following link. This edition regards the coming C5 Interim Meeting in Friedrichshafen and gives…

EBV Elektronik a embedded world 2022 presenta il suo know-how nei mercati emergenti
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EBV Elektronik a embedded world 2022 presenta il suo know-how nei mercati emergenti

Al padiglione 3A, Stand 125 dell’embedded world 2022, potremo toccare con mano il know-how di EBV Elektronik nei settori chiave del mercato.  Introduzione EBV Elektronik…

5K0C San Andres Island. From
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5K0C San Andres Island. From

Pablo, LU7MT will be active as 5K0C from San Andres Island, IOTA NA – 033, 16 – 25 September 2022., 5K0C San Andres Island. From…

SV9/OK6DJ Crete Island. From
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SV9/OK6DJ Crete Island. From

OK6DJ and OK1-36573 will be active from Crete Island, IOTA EU-015, 8 – 14 July 2022 as SV9/OK6DJ., SV9/OK6DJ Crete Island. From, ,

IARUMS R1 Newsletter May 2022
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IARUMS R1 Newsletter May 2022

The IARUMS Region 1 Newsletter May 2022 is now available.Click on the link to read it! …

President Randy III CB radio – Adjustments
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President Randy III CB radio – Adjustments

Video:YouTube/UK FM CB radio servicing Richard takes a look at the President Randy III handheld CB Radio…..

Un sistema di riconoscimento facciale con Raspberry Pi e DeepFace
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Un sistema di riconoscimento facciale con Raspberry Pi e DeepFace

Quello dell’autenticazione non invasiva mediante tecniche biometriche è uno dei topic caldi degli ultimi anni. Infatti, il tentativo è quello di svincolare l’utente dalle tediose…

I’m an Intern at ARRL Headquarters!
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I’m an Intern at ARRL Headquarters!

“I’m Jherica Goodgame, KI5HTA, and I’m a 2022 summer intern at ARRL HQ. Join me while I show you around some of my favorite parts…

Costruiamo un robottino in LEGO – Parte 1
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Costruiamo un robottino in LEGO – Parte 1

In questo articolo vedremo la realizzazione passo passo di un semplice robottino costruito in LEGO a cui daremo vita usando una board di Arduino. Da…

VX2I Ile aux Coudres. From
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VX2I Ile aux Coudres. From

The NA128 Contest Group will be active again this year as VX2I from Ile-aux-Coudres, Quebec, Canada (IOTA NA-128 – FN47) between July 28 and July…

10 Reasons Why GMRS is NOT Better Than Ham Radio
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10 Reasons Why GMRS is NOT Better Than Ham Radio

“This video is a response to a video I saw by @NotaRubicon Productions where he claims that GMRS is better than Ham Radio. I found…

RFI from Solar Inverter
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RFI from Solar Inverter

RFI from Solar Inverter Lee, KI5ODH, built an off grid solar system for his station. But he is having some trouble. “The inverter is putting…