RF Kits RF2K-S Amplifier [ Hamvention ]
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RF Kits RF2K-S Amplifier [ Hamvention ]

2022 saw the return of the Dayton Hamvention and also celebrated the 70th anniversary of the world’s largest ham radio trade show. Ham Radio Outlet…

Eagle One Antenna – What Is it?
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Eagle One Antenna – What Is it?

Thanks to Tristan and Jason for talking to me about the Eagle One Antenna. There seems to be some confusion about this antenna what it…

What is the Noise Blanker used for?
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What is the Noise Blanker used for?

New Hams Tips – What is the Noise Blanker used for? Antenna AIM 4170D Antenna / Lab RF Analyzer December 08, 2014 No comments  …

Antenna one to three STACK MATCH
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Antenna one to three STACK MATCH

Stack Match is designed to stack, match and power split to one,two or three antennas or to split driving power into more PAs for the…

Fast Easy Guide to Decibels dB vs dBi in 6 Minutes
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Fast Easy Guide to Decibels dB vs dBi in 6 Minutes

Decibels (dB) can be slightly confusing. Here is a simple short video explaining. Callum. Antenna 160m/80m Transmit Vertical by AC0C June 28, 2016 No comments…

Implementare la FFT con Python
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Implementare la FFT con Python

Per rendere più veloce il calcolo della trasformata DFT, l’algoritmo FFT venne sviluppato da James Cooley e John Tukey. Questo algoritmo è considerato uno degli…

Melchioni – Comprel: un’acquisizione di successo
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Melchioni – Comprel: un’acquisizione di successo

Sul blog di Elettronica Open Source puoi leggere non solo tutti gli articoli Premium riservati agli abbonati Platinum 2.0 e inseriti nella rivista Firmware 2.0…

TY0RU Benin. From DXNews.com
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TY0RU Benin. From DXNews.com

TY0RU Team will be active from Benin, 10 – 25 October 2022., TY0RU Benin. From DXNews.com, ,

Provisional results IARU R1 70 MHz MGM
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Provisional results IARU R1 70 MHz MGM

Provisional results for the last 2022 IARU R1 70 MHz MGM Contest held on May 21st/22nd are available on IARU Region 1 VHF & Up Contest Robot….

La piattaforma di precisione per catena di segnale con banda ridotta di Analog Devices
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La piattaforma di precisione per catena di segnale con banda ridotta di Analog Devices

Analog Devices, leader nel mercato delle tecnologie di conversione di segnale, gestione dell’alimentazione, RF, piattaforme digitali e sensori, con un vasto portfolio di prodotti per…

Cloud computing, a che punto siamo?
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Cloud computing, a che punto siamo?

Nell’ultimo decennio, la rapida penetrazione di Internet e delle moderne tecnologie dell’informazione in tutti i rami della società e della vita degli individui, ha portato…

Z21RU Zimbabwe. From DXNews.com
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Z21RU Zimbabwe. From DXNews.com

Z21RU Team will be active from Zimbabwe, 17 – 29 June 2022., Z21RU Zimbabwe. From DXNews.com, ,

FX-4C SDR QRP Transceiver | Review of features and operating controls
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FX-4C SDR QRP Transceiver | Review of features and operating controls

Review of the features and operating controls of the FX-4C – a great little SDR Transceiver designed by BG2FX. Transmission frequency range: 3.5 – 29…

Easy Modelling Your First Antenna in 5 Minutes – Vertical Antennas
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Easy Modelling Your First Antenna in 5 Minutes – Vertical Antennas

5-minute video how to download the software and make your first ground mounted vertical – easy. MMANA-GAL is an antenna-analyzing tool based on the moment…

How to Comply with FCC RF Exposure Rules Forum Featuring Ed Hare, W1RFI | at 2022 Dayton Hamvention®
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How to Comply with FCC RF Exposure Rules Forum Featuring Ed Hare, W1RFI | at 2022 Dayton Hamvention®

In May 2021, new FCC rules regarding exposure to RF energy went into effect. The limits haven’t changed, but the ways that some amateur operators…

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Here we take a look at the ATS-25+ ALL MODE, HF and FM Broadcast radio receiver. Antenna Antenna BEAM 11 elements 3 bands November 19,…

ISS SSTV June 8-9 145.800 MHz FM
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ISS SSTV June 8-9 145.800 MHz FM

Russian cosmonauts on the International Space Station (ISS) are planning to transmit Slow Scan TV (SSTV) images on 145.800 MHz FM probably using the SSTV…

Robot Cloud: la potenza della robotica si unisce al cloud computing
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Robot Cloud: la potenza della robotica si unisce al cloud computing

La tecnologia del cloud computing risale ormai a più di vent’anni fa. Il termine cloud, infatti, è stato usato per riferirsi a piattaforme per il…

Firmware 2.0 #24: IoT-Voice Bot/Chat Bot
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Firmware 2.0 #24: IoT-Voice Bot/Chat Bot

E’ online il nuovo numero della rivista di elettronica Firmware 2.0 dedicata a Makers, Professionisti e Appassionati. Questo numero della rivista è incentrato sull’IoT e…

Video: President Randy II FCC AM/FM
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Video: President Randy II FCC AM/FM

Video: YouTube/Farpoint Farms The first video I’ve seen featuring the new President Randy II FCC AM/FM handled and Eric from Farpoint Farms goes through the…

J68AG Saint Lucia Island. From DXNews.com
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J68AG Saint Lucia Island. From DXNews.com

WA2LLN will be active as J68AG from Saint Lucia Island, IOTA NA – 108, 4 – 24 June 2022., J68AG Saint Lucia Island. From DXNews.com,…

IC per dispositivi medici impiantabili
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IC per dispositivi medici impiantabili

Sul blog di Elettronica Open Source puoi leggere non solo tutti gli articoli Premium riservati agli abbonati Platinum 2.0 e inseriti nella rivista Firmware 2.0…

Yankee Foxtrot Net
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Yankee Foxtrot Net

  Time to feature another one of the many UK weekly nets. This time we head to the South Coast of England with the Yankee…

Il Mise sui ponti ripetitori
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Il Mise sui ponti ripetitori

Disponibile, cliccando sull’immagine, la Circolare MiSE relative alla Nuova Procedura per il rilascio delle autorizzazioni generali per le stazioni automatiche non presidiate

L’Editoriale di Giugno
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L’Editoriale di Giugno

Due o tre cose che avrei da direGabriele Villa, I2VGW “Ogni volta che si ottiene un certo successo ci si fa un nemico. Per essere…