Referendum 2022
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Referendum 2022

Disponibile, in area riservata alle circolari alle Sezioni,comunicazione inerente il Referendum 2022

Diploma “50 anni ARI-Fidenza”
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Diploma “50 anni ARI-Fidenza”

Il diploma “50 ANNI ARI-FIDENZA” è un diploma internazionale esteso a tutti i Paesi del mondo, organizzato dalla Sezione ARI di Fidenza (PR) ed avente…

Why I don’t have an amplifier
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Why I don’t have an amplifier

“A viewer asked: “I am curious if there is a particular reason you haven’t added an amplifier to your shack equipment?” Joe and I talk…

COMPACTenna – Dayton Hamvention 2022
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COMPACTenna – Dayton Hamvention 2022

2022 saw the return of the Dayton Hamvention and also celebrated the 70th anniversary of the world’s largest ham radio trade show. Ham Radio Outlet…

Xiegu REVEALS the G106 QRP SDR HF Transceiver
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Xiegu REVEALS the G106 QRP SDR HF Transceiver

Xiegu reveals a new SDR QRP radio that they are calling the G106. Let’s take a look at some of the advertised features of this…

Robotica cloud: applicazioni e tecnologie
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Robotica cloud: applicazioni e tecnologie

I cloud robot sono controllati da un “cervello” nel cloud. Il cervello, situato in un data center, fa uso di Intelligenza Artificiale e altre tecnologie…

La protezione da ESD
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La protezione da ESD

Benvenuti a un nuovo appuntamento con la Rubrica Firmware Reload di Elettronica Open Source. In questa Rubrica del blog EOS abbiamo raccolto gli articoli tecnici…

Anytone AT5555N PLUS Export Mod + Hidden Menu
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Anytone AT5555N PLUS Export Mod + Hidden Menu

  Here we have the export mod for the Anytone AT555N PLUS and it will come as no surprise that you remove/cut the white wire…

Nuovo accelerometro MEMS di Analog Devices a basso consumo energetico
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Nuovo accelerometro MEMS di Analog Devices a basso consumo energetico

Analog Devices, azienda leader nelle tecnologie di conversione di segnale, gestione dell’alimentazione, radiofrequenza, piattaforme digitali e sensori, ha presentato un accelerometro MEMS a tre assi pensato per…

23cm band and Sat-Nav Coexistence: Studies maturing in ITU‑R WP4C
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23cm band and Sat-Nav Coexistence: Studies maturing in ITU‑R WP4C

During the period 4–10 May 2022, the IARU continued to engage in the preparatory work for WRC-23 agenda item 9.1b in ITU‑R Working Party 4C…

La Protezione degli Inverter con un Accoppiatore Ottico Intelligente
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La Protezione degli Inverter con un Accoppiatore Ottico Intelligente

Sul blog di Elettronica Open Source puoi leggere non solo tutti gli articoli Premium riservati agli abbonati Platinum 2.0 e inseriti nella rivista Firmware 2.0…

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XIEGU G106 • High-performance SDR core circuit• Compact and solid structure• Transmission and reception of all amateur frequency bands within 3.8~29.7MHz• WFM broadcast reception• Shortwave…

Comet CAT-300 Manual Tuner 
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Comet CAT-300 Manual Tuner 

Introduced at Hamvention for the US market the new Comet CAT-300 tuner will handle 300 watts and covers 160 through 6 meter amateur radio bands….

Yaesu FTM-200 vs FTM-300 at Dayton Hamvention 202
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Yaesu FTM-200 vs FTM-300 at Dayton Hamvention 202

From the Dayton Hamvention 2022, John Kruk talks to us about the differences between the FTM-200 and FTM-300 radios from Yaesu Antenna Radio interference from…

Elecraft K4 Updates from Hamvention 2022
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Elecraft K4 Updates from Hamvention 2022

Elecraft K4 Today I get to talk to Eric from Elecraft at the Dayton Hamvention 2022 about the latest updates on the Elecraft K4 HF…

Ham Radio Operator Needs This Book! The Encyclopedia Of Ham Radio
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Ham Radio Operator Needs This Book! The Encyclopedia Of Ham Radio

This Hamradioguide has ALL KINDS of great information within!! For new ham radio operators, you can learn a lot from this. For the seasoned ham,…

I nuovi ADC SAR Easy Drive di Analog Devices
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I nuovi ADC SAR Easy Drive di Analog Devices

Analog Devices ha presentato un nuovo portfolio di convertitori analogico-digitali (ADC) SAR di nuova generazione a 16-24 bit ad altissima precisione. I nuovi ADC SAR Easy Drive di…

EBV Elektronik è stata premiata da onsemi con l’EMEA Distribution Partner Award 2021
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EBV Elektronik è stata premiata da onsemi con l’EMEA Distribution Partner Award 2021

EBV Elektronik, società Avnet (distributore e fornitore globale di soluzioni tecnologiche), ha ricevuto l’EMEA Distribution Partner Award 2021 da onsemi come principale partner di distribuzione…

President Randy II FCC AM/FM First ‘Real’ Photos + Manual
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President Randy II FCC AM/FM First ‘Real’ Photos + Manual

President have released official photos and a manual for their new Randy II FCC AM/FM. – 40 channels AM / FM– Up/down channel selector– Volume…

Icom IC-T10 Rugged Dual Band HT @ HamVention
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Icom IC-T10 Rugged Dual Band HT @ HamVention

Icom IC-T10 Rugged Dual Band HT This New VHF/UHF HT from Icom features a Very Rugged Design, 1500 mW of loud, clear speaker audio, 2400…

Lido Radio Mounts
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Lido Radio Mounts

Lido mounts are a great way to mount your radio in your mobile. Antenna 6-160 Meter Alpha S9 Spun Fiberglass Antenna March 27, 2017 No…

iPortable Rack Systems | Ham Radio Rack Mounts
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iPortable Rack Systems | Ham Radio Rack Mounts

Take your Ham Radio Portable with iPortable. A look at these really cool rack mount units for HF/VHF/UHF Ham Radio. Portable Pro2 Equipment Rack Systems…

Barrett 4075 High Power HF Transmitter
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Barrett 4075 High Power HF Transmitter

The Barrett 4075 high power HF Transmitter is a compact rack mounted communications solution developed for base station applications in large HF networks. It can…

Creare una Web app con ESP32
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Creare una Web app con ESP32

Negli ultimi anni la famiglia di chip ESP32 prodotti dalla Espressif si è affermata sul mercato per la sua caratteristica di flessibilità nelle applicazioni e…

 The history of communicating with submarines underwater
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 The history of communicating with submarines underwater

“Nestled deep in the Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest in Northwest Wisconsin is the small town of Clam Lake. Clam Lake is best known for the excellent…