ARI International DX Contest 2022
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ARI International DX Contest 2022

1. The Associazione Radioamatori Italiani (A.R.I.) has the honour of inviting radio amateurs from all over the world to participate in the ARI International DX Contest. 2. Aim: it is a…

Ameco AC-1T Unboxing
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Ameco AC-1T Unboxing

Ameco was an old Ham Radio company that existed back in the 50s. Now it is being remade as a sort of modern, vintage radio…

Modalità deep-sleep con ESP32
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Modalità deep-sleep con ESP32

I chip della famiglia ESP32 sono noti per le loro caratteristiche di risparmio energetico. Infatti sono disponibili per gli sviluppatori fino a 5 modalità di…

Uniden SDS100 Handheld Scanner, True I/Q Technology
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Uniden SDS100 Handheld Scanner, True I/Q Technology

“Today I’m taking a look and unboxing the Uniden SDS100 handheld scanner. Using True I/Q technology, it will pull in signals even in the weakest…

This Is Not A Tree – Disguised Radio Transmitter Towers
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This Is Not A Tree – Disguised Radio Transmitter Towers

Disguised Radio Transmitter Towers Antenna FX700 Vector Network Analyzer June 17, 2021 No comments Metropwr FX700 is a vector network analyzer 0.1/700 MHz used to measure…

Firmware 2.0 #23: Wireless/RF-Low Energy Smart Projects
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Firmware 2.0 #23: Wireless/RF-Low Energy Smart Projects

E’ online il nuovo numero della rivista di elettronica Firmware 2.0 dedicata a Makers, Professionisti e Appassionati. In questo numero troverete contenuti esclusivi sull’elettronica embedded…

Worldwide Ham Radio Operators (2000-2022)
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Worldwide Ham Radio Operators (2000-2022)

Amateur Radio Operator numbers worldwide from data 2000 to 2022. This data has been collected from multiple data sources. Some records only go up to…

ADIN2111: la soluzione di Analog Devices per la digitalizzazione delle reti di automazione infrastrutturale
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ADIN2111: la soluzione di Analog Devices per la digitalizzazione delle reti di automazione infrastrutturale

Analog Devices, Inc. (ADI), realtà leader nelle tecnologie di conversione di segnale, gestione dell’alimentazione, radiofrequenza, piattaforme digitali e sensori, ha presentato una soluzione Ethernet 10BASE-T1L…

MD7C Isle of Man. From
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MD7C Isle of Man. From

Rich, M5RIC will be active from Isle of Man, IOTA EU-116, in RSGB IOTA Contest, 30 – 31 July 2022, as MD7C., MD7C Isle of…

We want your ideas to change us! Join now the very first HAMChallenge
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We want your ideas to change us! Join now the very first HAMChallenge

Do you have a mind-blowing idea you would like to share with the community? Amateur Radio is about fun, radio communications, technology, experimentation, self-training, and…

La strategia di MAS Elettronica per lo shortage dei componenti elettronici
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La strategia di MAS Elettronica per lo shortage dei componenti elettronici

I riflettori del mondo tecnologico e dei mercati emergenti sono tutti puntati sullo shortage delle materie prime, nonché dei componenti elettronici. E’ possibile reagire alle…

Friedrichshafen, Germany to Host the 45th International Amateur Radio Exhibition
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Friedrichshafen, Germany to Host the 45th International Amateur Radio Exhibition

After a 2-year break, amateur radio fans will reunite on Lake Constance in Friedrichshafen, Germany, from June 24 – 26, 2022, for HAM RADIO —…

Best HF Ham Radio for POTA 2022 – Parks On The Air, Portable Radio
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Best HF Ham Radio for POTA 2022 – Parks On The Air, Portable Radio

Here is my list of the top 10 HF Ham Radios for portable operations and POTA – Parks On the Air. Antenna Wolf River Coil…

Icom VE-SP1 LTE/PoC Radio Desktop Conference Microphone
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Icom VE-SP1 LTE/PoC Radio Desktop Conference Microphone

A short video about the Icom VE-SP1 desktop conference speaker microphone which enables a simultaneous voice conference in multiple locations by combining communication with Icom…

Hoarding Handheld Radio Batteries & Connecting Radios To Power
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Hoarding Handheld Radio Batteries & Connecting Radios To Power

“How do we actually connect our radios to a power source? Also, should we have more than one handheld radio battery? Should we go a…

Il modulo IoT multisensore wireless SmartBug per applicazioni di monitoraggio intelligente – Parte 2
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Il modulo IoT multisensore wireless SmartBug per applicazioni di monitoraggio intelligente – Parte 2

Nel precedente articolo “Il modulo IoT multisensore wireless SmartBug per applicazioni di monitoraggio intelligente – Parte 1” abbiamo presentato il multisensore IoT wireless SmartBug, ne…

How to Read an SWR Curve
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How to Read an SWR Curve

“It’s impportant we understand where an antenna tunes and what is the 1.5:1 bandwidth, particularly for Amplifier users and those without an ATU. We look…

ARRL June VHF Contest Adds Analog-Only Category
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ARRL June VHF Contest Adds Analog-Only Category

New For 2022: Single Operator entrants can now enter in either All Mode (which included all digital modes) or Analog-Only (CW/SSB/FM) subcategories. See the complete…

FCC Not Processing New License Applications
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FCC Not Processing New License Applications

On Wednesday, April 27, in a notice to all VECs, the FCC again asked them to refrain from submitting any amateur radio exam session or license…

Tuning an Antenna without an Analyzer
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Tuning an Antenna without an Analyzer

“Lee, KD9SWA, wants to know how to tune his antenna without an analyzer as he does not have one right now. He has an SWR…

PCBWay: il leader nella prototipazione e nell’assemblaggio dei circuiti stampati
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PCBWay: il leader nella prototipazione e nell’assemblaggio dei circuiti stampati

Il mercato diversificato e in crescita dei circuiti stampati cambia continuamente per stare al passo con le tecnologie avanzate e le esigenze delle aziende e…

Uniden Bearcat 880FM – FIRST PHOTOS + Manual
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Uniden Bearcat 880FM – FIRST PHOTOS + Manual

  So here we have the very first ‘real world’ photos of the new Uniden Bearcat 880FM which is coming soon to the American market….

Catturiamo l’energia del 5G!
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Catturiamo l’energia del 5G!

La nostra epoca sta assistendo a un rapido sviluppo nel campo delle tecnologie Internet of Things (IoT) con una proiezione di 40 miliardi di dispositivi…

Morse Code Day
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Morse Code Day

History of Morse Code Day April 27 is Morse Code Day, and it’s to honor its creator, Samuel Morse, who was born on April 27, 1791….

Second Rule of Antennas : Height Matters!
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Second Rule of Antennas : Height Matters!

Sergei, UB4LDT, has some questions having to do with the height of his antenna? But the basic rule is height matters! Antenna DX Engineering Skylark…