Soluzioni di ricarica rapida Murata per veicoli elettrici
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Soluzioni di ricarica rapida Murata per veicoli elettrici

Farnell, società tecnologica di Avnet, fornisce le innovative soluzioni per applicazioni di ricarica rapida Murata per veicoli elettrici (VE) in pronta consegna.  Murata è leader…

NEW – President Randy II FCC AM/FM (USA)
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NEW – President Randy II FCC AM/FM (USA)

  President have announced the first legal FM handheld CB radio for the American market – The President Randy II FCC AM/FM Specifications are identical…

Azores Radio Amateurs on standby for seismic activity.
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Azores Radio Amateurs on standby for seismic activity.

The island of São Jorge in the Azores has suffered over 1800 earthquakes over 48 hours causing concerns and prompting the Regional Government of the…

Partnership strategica tra Farnell e Würth Elektronik nel settore dell’e-mobility
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Partnership strategica tra Farnell e Würth Elektronik nel settore dell’e-mobility

Farnell, società tecnologica leader a livello globale e unità commerciale del gruppo Avnet, nonché distributore mondiale di componenti elettronici, prodotti e soluzioni innovative, collabora con…

Memory keyboard for IC-705
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Memory keyboard for IC-705

The keypad is connected to the “Key” socket (morse key) of the IC-705 or the “Ext. Keypad” socket of the IC-7610 . As described in…

Best Ham Radio Headset? Heil BM-17 Dual Side Boomset Review
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Best Ham Radio Headset? Heil BM-17 Dual Side Boomset Review

“I’ve been using the Heil BM-17 on my Parks on the Air activations for the last few months. The Heil BM-17 is a lightweight single-side…

Updates for Icom IC-7100, IC-9100 and IC-R8600 Cloning/Programming Software
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Updates for Icom IC-7100, IC-9100 and IC-R8600 Cloning/Programming Software

Icom has released cloning/programming software updates for the IC-7100, IC-9100 HF/VHF/UHF Amateur radio transceivers and the IC-R8600 Wideband Communications SDR Receiver. The new updates ensure…

Classificare generi musicali con Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense
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Classificare generi musicali con Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense

In questo progetto facente parte del Project Hub Arduino viene realizzato un dispositivo in grado di classificare il genere musicale utilizzando la scheda Arduino Nano…

FCC Announces Dates and Rates
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FCC Announces Dates and Rates

FCC Announces Dates and Rates Antenna 3D Print – 3 element 2m (145 MHz) Ultra Portable yagi May 26, 2015 No comments 3D Print –…

Yaesu FTM-200DR Dual Band System Fusion Radio – FIRST LOOK!
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Yaesu FTM-200DR Dual Band System Fusion Radio – FIRST LOOK!

Yaesu FTM-200DR “Join us for today’s lunchtime livestream as I welcome John Kruk from Yaesu back onto the channel to talk about the brand new…

Alinco DR-PM300SE
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Alinco DR-PM300SE

Ideal for simultaneous calls on work vehicles such as heavy machinery and various cranes, and also as a base station for alternate calls! It is a…

Your Favorite HT Radio Antennas Transmit Tested & QuirkQRP ZipTenna!
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Your Favorite HT Radio Antennas Transmit Tested & QuirkQRP ZipTenna!

 HT Radio Antennas Transmit Tested  Antenna All-Band 80-10 Meter End-Fed Half-wave Antennas – MFJ 1982,1984 April 03, 2017 No comments Cover all HF bands with…

Il nuovo relè MOSFET di OMRON Electronic Components Europe
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Il nuovo relè MOSFET di OMRON Electronic Components Europe

OMRON, uno dei leader mondiali nel campo dell’automazione industriale, ha lanciato un nuovo relè MOSFET compatto senza piombo con una corrente di carico superiore del…

Balcony Antenna Possibilites
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Balcony Antenna Possibilites

Paul, KC9FHV, is a newbie to the OG community and is close to completing his General Exam. Congradulations. And he is hoping to begin on…

Best HF Ham Radio 2022 for QRP SSB
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Best HF Ham Radio 2022 for QRP SSB

Best QRP HF Ham Radio Transceiver for 2022 – the radios on this list are my choices for the best HF QRP Radio of 2022…

Sensori per sistemi embedded – Parte 3 – Progetto di un sistema IoT con Telegram ed Arduino
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Sensori per sistemi embedded – Parte 3 – Progetto di un sistema IoT con Telegram ed Arduino

L’articolo conclude la mini serie sui sensori per sistemi embedded, con focus legato ad Arduino e Raspberry Pi. In questa terza puntata ci occuperemo dell’integrazione…

VK9NT Norfolk Island. From
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VK9NT Norfolk Island. From

VK9NT Team will be active from Norfolk Island, IOTA OC – 005, 14 – 25 April 2022., VK9NT Norfolk Island. From, ,

Ari-Portogruaro e il suo Mercatino
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Ari-Portogruaro e il suo Mercatino

Is this the BEST Portable Multiband HF Antenna?
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Is this the BEST Portable Multiband HF Antenna?

Here we take a look at a lightweight, multiband, portable HF Antenna that weighs 160 grams! Antenna G3TXQ 6 Band Hexbeam 40m single element add…

CAS-10 CubeSat has an Amateur Radio Transponder
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CAS-10 CubeSat has an Amateur Radio Transponder

CAMSAT’s CAS-10 is an 8U CubeSat that will carry an Amateur Radio VHF to UHF linear transponder for SSB communications. A follow on mission from…

Caro Microcontrollore…ma Quanto Consumi?
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Caro Microcontrollore…ma Quanto Consumi?

Sul blog di Elettronica Open Source puoi leggere non solo tutti gli articoli Premium riservati agli abbonati Platinum 2.0 e inseriti nella rivista Firmware 2.0…

Il ruolo di Fluke Networks nei tester per fibra ottica
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Il ruolo di Fluke Networks nei tester per fibra ottica

Fluke Networks, azienda all’avanguardia nel settore degli strumenti di test e misurazioni per infrastrutture di rete, festeggia i suoi 30 anni proponendo eccezionali sconti sui…

New distance records on the 134 GHz and 241 GHz bands
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New distance records on the 134 GHz and 241 GHz bands

On March 1st and 2nd, DB6NT and DK5NJ made a new distance record on 134 GHz and 241 GHz bands. On 134 GHz they accomplished…

Espandi le funzionalità della tua Arduino UNO con l’innovativo modulo elettronico Jolly Device
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Espandi le funzionalità della tua Arduino UNO con l’innovativo modulo elettronico Jolly Device

Pensavate di aver visto tutto dell’ecosistema Arduino? Bè, a giudicare dal lavoro di Gianluca Martino, ingegnere elettronico, Co-founder del progetto Arduino sin dal 2005 e…

9M2/SQ9UM Malaysia. From
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9M2/SQ9UM Malaysia. From

Alex, SQ9UM will be active from Malaysia, 23 – 31 March 2022, as 9M2/SQ9UM., 9M2/SQ9UM Malaysia. From, ,