New World Record on the 134 GHz Band
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New World Record on the 134 GHz Band

New IARU Region 1 records on the 134 GHz and 241 GHz bands “Since our records last year, see, my father, Michael DB6NT and…

Heil Sound Headphone Special
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Heil Sound Headphone Special

For this week’s Something for the Weekend video, Tony takes us through the range of Heil headphones available at ML&S! Antenna The Alternative Multi-band Solution…

New release of 144 / 430MHz FM transceiver IC-S10 / IC-T10
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New release of 144 / 430MHz FM transceiver IC-S10 / IC-T10

IC-S10 / IC-T10 New release of 144 / 430MHz FM transceiver IC-S10 / IC-T10 that realizes easy operation, full specifications, and excellent basic performance. Product…

Best “Long Range” 2 Meter Telescopic Antenna
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Best “Long Range” 2 Meter Telescopic Antenna

Thanks to @K6ARK for telling me to try out telescopic handheld amateur radio antennas, they ROCK! Antenna JK2040-Hawk – Yagi antenna of 5 elements for…

Posso usare un LiPo charger con una batteria Li-ion e viceversa?
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Posso usare un LiPo charger con una batteria Li-ion e viceversa?

Posso usare un LiPo charger con una batteria Li-ion e viceversa? In questo articolo cerchiamo di capire assieme se usare batterie e charger di tecnologie…

CQ to Limit Contest Participation by Stations in Russia, Belarus and Donbas Region of Ukraine
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CQ to Limit Contest Participation by Stations in Russia, Belarus and Donbas Region of Ukraine

The CQ magazine website has just published “STATEMENT OF CQ COMMUNICATIONS, INC.,REGARDING CQ CONTESTS AND THE RUSSIANINVASION OF UKRAINE           (Northport, NY 17 March, 2022) –…

Messi & Paoloni Coaxial Cable Installation for HF VHF & UHF
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Messi & Paoloni Coaxial Cable Installation for HF VHF & UHF

Installing Messi & Paoloni Coaxial Cable for HF, VHF, & UHF Ham Radio. Hyperflex 10 Sahara & Ultraflex 7 Sahara, as well as M&P Evolution…

23cm band WRC agenda item work continues in CEPT
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23cm band WRC agenda item work continues in CEPT

The 4th meeting of the CEPT project team (CPG PTC) tasked with developing the CEPT Brief for WRC23 agenda item 9.1b on 23cm band amateur…

President Thomas AM/FM REVIEW
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President Thomas AM/FM REVIEW

Video:YouTube/390 WagonMaster Another video review of the first legal FM CB Radio in the USA – The President Thomas AM/FM…

Sensori per sistemi embedded – Parte 2
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Sensori per sistemi embedded – Parte 2

L’articolo fa parte delle tre puntate focalizzate sui sistemi embedded, quali Arduino e Raspberry Pi. In questa seconda puntata ci occuperemo della realizzazione di un…

Cobweb Antenna 7+3 band 7 10 14 18 21 24 29 MHz
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Cobweb Antenna 7+3 band 7 10 14 18 21 24 29 MHz

Cobweb Antenna 7+3 Band Cobweb Antenna 10 meter to 40 meter bands. Because of its low SWR, can be tuned (with the use of an…

Sensori per sistemi embedded – Parte 1
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Sensori per sistemi embedded – Parte 1

Il seguente articolo si pone l’obiettivo di offrire un focus pratico di approfondimento sui sensori per sistemi embedded, quali Arduino e Raspberry Pi. Dato l’ampio…

Multiband Ground Plane Antenna [ 3D print ]
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Multiband Ground Plane Antenna [ 3D print ]

Ham Radio Multiband Ground Plane Antenna by ok1cdj Download Files : This is remix from The idea is make 3 or 4 band lightweight portable vertical…

How to add a TRUE panadapter to the Yaesu FTDX10
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How to add a TRUE panadapter to the Yaesu FTDX10

He we take a look at how to install a PAT70 High Z buffer board from SDR KITS into a FTDX10 to provide a second…

Which to buy? Yaesu FTdx-10 or Icom IC-7300
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Which to buy? Yaesu FTdx-10 or Icom IC-7300

“A viewer asks: I’m going to HRO to get my first HF (transceiver) Saturday. Is the Yaesu FTdx-10 worth the money over the Icom IC-7300?…

Identificazione di un modello per un motore a corrente continua (DC) con l’utilizzo di Arduino e MATLAB/Simulink
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Identificazione di un modello per un motore a corrente continua (DC) con l’utilizzo di Arduino e MATLAB/Simulink

Un motore DC (Direct Current), anche noto con l’acronimo CC (Corrente Continua), è uno qualsiasi di una classe di motori elettrici rotanti che converte l’energia…

DR++ Server | Remote RTL-SDR SDRPlay LimeSDR AirSpy and More! 
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DR++ Server | Remote RTL-SDR SDRPlay LimeSDR AirSpy and More! 

SDR++ Server | Remote RTL-SDR SDRPlay LimeSDR AirSpy and More! | Raspberry Pi and Windows Setup Antenna SteppIR BigIR Concept and Unboxing October 24, 2019…

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ICOM AH-730 – AUTOMATIC ANTENNA TUNER Fast Tune-up from 1.8 to 50 MHz BandRemote Control with Icom Transceivers Descriptions Wide Frequency Coverage With a 7…

I Cinquant’Anni della Legge di Moore
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I Cinquant’Anni della Legge di Moore

Sul blog di Elettronica Open Source puoi leggere non solo tutti gli articoli Premium riservati agli abbonati Platinum 2.0 e inseriti nella rivista Firmware 2.0…

TY5RU Benin. From
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TY5RU Benin. From

TY5RU Team will be active from Benin, 10 – 25 October 2022., TY5RU Benin. From, ,

Status Update: HAMCAMP during HAMRADIO 2022
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Status Update: HAMCAMP during HAMRADIO 2022

The IARU Region 1 Youth Working Group just got informed by the DARC (German Amateur Radio Society) Youth Department about the status of the annual…

Il sensore di temperatura a morsetto HANI di Omega Engineering
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Il sensore di temperatura a morsetto HANI di Omega Engineering

Il sensore di temperatura a morsetto HANI di Omega Engineering è il primo del suo genere in grado di offrire una precisione senza precedenti durante…

IARUMS Region 1 Newsletter February 2022
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IARUMS Region 1 Newsletter February 2022

The IARUMS Region 1 Newsletter February 2022 is now available.Cilck on the link to read it! …

Arduino IDE 2 RC4
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Arduino IDE 2 RC4

Arduino IDE, l’ambiente di sviluppo più utilizzato nel mondo dei Makers, è giunto ormai alla versione 2 ed offre funzionalità aggiuntive come l’aggiornamento automatico. Non…

APX NEXT XN All-Band P25 Smart Radio
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APX NEXT XN All-Band P25 Smart Radio

Outperform the unexpected APX NEXT XN brings unprecedented durability and mobilized intelligence to a firefighter’s lifeline so you can outperform whatever the day throws at…