ICOM IC 7300 and 9700 hidden feature for contesting
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ICOM IC 7300 and 9700 hidden feature for contesting

Hidden feature of using your up down buttons to trigger TX memories. Antenna Antennas TOO Close Together September 08, 2021 No comments Steve, AI7SV, is…

Progetto di un Data Logger con microSD e microcontrollore ESP32 – Parte 2
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Progetto di un Data Logger con microSD e microcontrollore ESP32 – Parte 2

Nel precedente articolo “Progetto di un Data Logger con microSD e microcontrollore ESP32 – Parte 1” abbiamo trattato la prima parte del progetto di cui…

LimeSDR Mini 2.0 – An open, full-duplex, USB stick software defined radio
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LimeSDR Mini 2.0 – An open, full-duplex, USB stick software defined radio

LimeSDR Mini 2.0 is an upgraded, drop-in replacement for LimeSDR Mini, a hardware platform for developing and prototyping high-performance and logic-intensive digital and RF designs that…

Progetto di un Data Logger con microSD e microcontrollore ESP32 – Parte 1
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Progetto di un Data Logger con microSD e microcontrollore ESP32 – Parte 1

In questo articolo viene proposto il progetto di un Data Logger con microcontrollore ESP32 e scheda microSD utilizzata per registrare i dati di temperatura ambientale…

Schede digitalizzatrici di nuova generazione che superano le barriere della velocità di trasferimento
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Schede digitalizzatrici di nuova generazione che superano le barriere della velocità di trasferimento

Lo straordinario streaming di dati a 12,8 GB al secondo consente l’elaborazione in tempo reale a 6,4 GS/s con risoluzione a 12 bit. Grosshansdorf, Germania…

Mostra scambio a Latina
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Mostra scambio a Latina

The CHA TD 2.0 is a broadband (HF) Antenna
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The CHA TD 2.0 is a broadband (HF) Antenna

The CHA TD 2.0 is a broadband High Frequency (HF) antenna specially designed for short to long range portable and man-pack HF communication, where portability and rapid…

Small Cheap Linear Loaded 80m Dipole
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Small Cheap Linear Loaded 80m Dipole

The legs of this dipole are only 12.4m long (about 40 feet). Antenna Amazing How to Build a 4:1 Balun – Start to Finish November…

The FTM-200D – Overview, Functionality, and Questions
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The FTM-200D – Overview, Functionality, and Questions

FTM-200D This is the episode you have been waiting for as we go over the * NEW * FTM-200D. We will cover the outside of…

Three simultaneous transmissions from the Russian OTH
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Three simultaneous transmissions from the Russian OTH

Three simultaneous transmissions from the Russian OTH (Over The Horizon; long range) Contayner radar in the 40 meter ham radio nothing. Required bandwidth = 12…

Matter per l’interoperabilità tra dispositivi smart
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Matter per l’interoperabilità tra dispositivi smart

Nell’ambito della casa intelligente sono nate molte piattaforme ed ecosistemi che consentono di progettare la propria smarthome. Purtroppo questi ecosistemi nella maggior parte dei casi…

Antenna Height – why it is important, what are the benefits
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Antenna Height – why it is important, what are the benefits

The height of a radio antenna or radio aerial can have a significant impact on its performance, especially at VHF and UHF. We often see…

Cubical Quad Antenna, is this the best directional antenna?
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Cubical Quad Antenna, is this the best directional antenna?

In this video I build a 2m cubical quad antenna. I show the parts I designed an 3D printed for the build. Antenna 100 Ft…

Use the Mast as the Antenna 
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Use the Mast as the Antenna 

Bill, AA6BD, wants to attach his antenna in a very common manner of attaching it to the back of a trailer and he wants to…

I sensori NEMS
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I sensori NEMS

Nell’ultimo decennio si è parlato in lungo e in largo dei sensori MEMS (Micro Electro-Mechanical Systems) che hanno trovato larghissima applicazione in ambito consumer e…

PT5J  x  ZW5B – ARRL DX SSB 2022
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PT5J x ZW5B – ARRL DX SSB 2022

Hello friends: Although it is not common for GADX stations to compete in the same category in international contests, in this ARRL DX we had…

Ukrainian Amateur Radio League – News
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Ukrainian Amateur Radio League – News

“Dear friends! The war continues in Ukraine. Many of us in the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are at the front, in the ranks…

Powerblast 30 – A powerful 30 Watt 2.4Ghz RF Amplifier For QO-100 Groundstation
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Powerblast 30 – A powerful 30 Watt 2.4Ghz RF Amplifier For QO-100 Groundstation

Here we take a look at, and test, the E-REON Powerblast 30 RF amplifier for 2.4 Ghz. Antenna Alex PY1AHD demonstrates how easy and FAST…

Gestire il vostro SAR
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Gestire il vostro SAR

Sul blog di Elettronica Open Source puoi leggere non solo tutti gli articoli Premium riservati agli abbonati Platinum 2.0 e inseriti nella rivista Firmware 2.0…

Le nuove famiglie di Server On Module con processori Intel Xeon D
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Le nuove famiglie di Server On Module con processori Intel Xeon D

Congatec, azienda leader nel settore delle tecnologie di elaborazione per applicazioni embedded ed edge, ha recentemente annunciato un’anteprima mondiale nel settore dei moduli conformi allo…

FY/F4GPK French Guiana. From DXNews.com
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FY/F4GPK French Guiana. From DXNews.com

Peter, F4GPK will be active as FY/F4GPK from Kourou, French Guiana, 7 – 17 March 2022., FY/F4GPK French Guiana. From DXNews.com, ,

Russian and Belarusian radio amateurs are therefore currently ineligible to participate in any event that is sponsored by the RSGB
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Russian and Belarusian radio amateurs are therefore currently ineligible to participate in any event that is sponsored by the RSGB

“The normal stance of amateur radio is that it is apolitical. However, it is clear that recent actions by the Russian Federation and their military…

Partnership strategica per il settore industriale tra Farnell e Jabil Cutting Tools
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Partnership strategica per il settore industriale tra Farnell e Jabil Cutting Tools

Farnell, unità commerciale di Avnet, ha firmato un accordo di distribuzione a livello mondiale con Jabil Cutting Tools. Con l’aggiunta dei prodotti targati Jabil Cutting…

5UA99WS Niger. From DXNews.com
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5UA99WS Niger. From DXNews.com

Giorgio, IU5HWS will be active as 5UA99WS from Niger, until 20 March 2022., 5UA99WS Niger. From DXNews.com, ,

Stazione meteo interattiva per centraline domotiche
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Stazione meteo interattiva per centraline domotiche

Conoscere i dati dell’ambiente che ci circonda è utile per molti motivi: sapere se fa freddo o caldo è fondamentale per capire come vestirsi prima…