Radio amateurs in Ukraine appear to be diligently maintaining radio silence as the state of emergency declared there just prior to the Russian military invasion…
A message from the operators of the DX Summit A state of emergency was declared in Ukraine just prior to the Russian military invasion. Among…
Many of the Advisory Notices sent out each month by the ARRL Volunteer Monitor Program go to stations heard operating outside the operator’s license privileges. While some…
Number Stations, Jammers & War Propaganda On Shortwave Radio Happening Now Antenna Dual Band Moxon Antenna 10m/6m March 24, 2021 No comments Dual band Moxon…
Oggi esce il nuovo numero della rivista di elettronica Firmware 2.0 dove troverete numerosi contenuti esclusivi per Makers e Professionisti, progetti, tutorial a puntate, articoli…
Germany’s DARC reports in Romania radio amateurs have been contacted by the government to offer their expertise should the situation deteriorate. DARC also provides guidance…
In response to recent world events, the International Amateur Radio Union has issued the following statement: “IARU is an apolitical organization focused on promoting and…
Fluke, leader a livello mondiale negli strumenti di misura elettronici professionali e compatti, amplia il suo portfolio di prodotti di misura con la nuova telecamera…
Il futuro Presidente dell’ARI di Vincenzo Favata, IT9IZY In prossimità della scadenza del mandato, oltre alla disamina di quanto accaduto, occorre anche guardare avanti e…
Ukraine: IARU-R1 statementIARU Region 1 has released the following statement regarding any radio transmissions you may hear from radio amateurs in Ukraine “Any radio amateur…
Esistono vari modelli di hardware per un gateway LoRaWAN, molti si basano sul chip SX1301 di Semtech. Il software è delegato a ‘pilotare’ chip attraverso…
Any radio amateur currently transmitting from Ukraine is risking his or her life. If you hear a Ukrainian station, do not broadcast its callsign, location or frequency — whether…
The International Telecommunication Union, ITU, has just released their WRC-23 booklet. It can be free downloaded from this URL available in all 6 languages of…
Sul blog di Elettronica Open Source puoi leggere non solo tutti gli articoli Premium riservati agli abbonati e inseriti nella rivista Firmware 2.0 (insieme ad…
Farnell, unità commerciale di Avnet, distribuisce interruttori, encoder e dispositivi di temporizzazione CTS Corporation. La gamma completa di prodotti leader di mercato CTS, che include…
Antenna Analyzer What is the best ham radio antenna analyzer for off-grid comms, SOTA (summits on the air) camping, outdoors, etc? And why? Frequency range: 0.1…
Avnet Silica, divisione europea di Avnet specializzata in semiconduttori, ha annunciato la disponibilità dei gateway LoRaWAN di Miromico abilitati per la piattaforma Microsoft Azure Sphere….
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