What can happen with a Horizontal Inverted Vee? 
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What can happen with a Horizontal Inverted Vee? 

Ed, KN4RWQ, is thinking about taking his horizontal antenna and setting it up on its side to create an inverted vee. Would this work? Antenna…

Multimetri a pinza con misurazione di tensione senza contatto
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Multimetri a pinza con misurazione di tensione senza contatto

La nuova famiglia di multimetri Fluke a pinza AC/DC TRMS senza contatto, rende le misurazioni simultanee di tensione e corrente molto più sicure e facili…

NP3X Puerto Rico. From DXNews.com
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NP3X Puerto Rico. From DXNews.com

N2TTA will be active as NP3X from Puerto Rico, IOTA NA – 099, in ARRL DX CW Contest, 19 – 20 February 2022., NP3X Puerto…

SSTV transmissions from the ISS
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SSTV transmissions from the ISS

ARISS Europe and ARISS USA teams plan to perform special SSTV Experiments using a new SSTV digital coding scheme. The first experiment in the series…

Yaesu FTM-200DR Dual Band Mobile C4FM FUSION Radio
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Yaesu FTM-200DR Dual Band Mobile C4FM FUSION Radio

Yaesu FTM-200DR Dual-Band 50W 144/430 C4FM/FM Digital/Analog Mobile Transceiver with BT, GPS & APRS We are pleased to introduce Yaesu’s All New FTM-200DR – 50W VHF/UHF Dual…

SteppIR Booth Orlando Hamcation 2022
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SteppIR Booth Orlando Hamcation 2022

SteppIR Booth Orando Hamcation 2022 Since 2001, SteppIR Communication Systems has manufactured thousands of mechanically adjusted, remotely tuned, frequency optimized HF/VHF Yagi, Vertical and Dipole…

FiberLert, il primo strumento in grado di indicare immediatamente se una fibra ottica è attiva
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FiberLert, il primo strumento in grado di indicare immediatamente se una fibra ottica è attiva

Fluke Networks presenta FiberLert, il primo strumento che indica immediatamente se una fibra ottica è attiva. FiberLert è uno strumento tascabile che semplifica e velocizza…

LoRaWAN Gateway
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LoRaWAN Gateway

Un gateway LoRaWAN ha il compito di ricevere i dati inviati da sensori via radio e ritrasmetterli verso la rete LoRaWAN utilizzando internet. In genere…

Arduino UNO Mini Limited Edition: l’evoluzione miniaturizzata della storica scheda a microcontrollore
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Arduino UNO Mini Limited Edition: l’evoluzione miniaturizzata della storica scheda a microcontrollore

La scheda di sviluppo preferita dalle community di makers, dai progettisti e dagli hobbisti di tutto il mondo, è diventata di formato mini. Arduino UNO…

Lido Radio – Mobile Mounting Solutions 
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Lido Radio – Mobile Mounting Solutions 

Lido Radio Products has been in business since 2004. Our mission when we first opened our store was to supply customers with mounting solutions that…

Kites for antennas
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Kites for antennas

With the advent of radio, the snake was not forgotten either.In military affairs, a similar method of improving radio communications was used in the early…

Practical ways we resolved our QRM problems
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Practical ways we resolved our QRM problems

QRM or RFI (Radio Frequency Interference) can play havoc with your ability to hear weak signals on Ham Radio. In this video myself and TheSmokinApe…

La conversione tra RS232 e RS485
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La conversione tra RS232 e RS485

Sul blog di Elettronica Open Source puoi leggere non solo tutti gli articoli Premium riservati agli abbonati e inseriti nella rivista Firmware 2.0 (approfondimenti, news,…

What Does This Do? Identifying Strange Antennas
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What Does This Do? Identifying Strange Antennas

What Does This Do? Identifying Strange Antennas Antenna Pro-Loop Antenna Kits – ZMXloop February 01, 2017 No comments Basic HF kit 1M Diameter loop model…

IARUMS Region 1 Newsletter January 2022
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IARUMS Region 1 Newsletter January 2022

The IARUMS Region 1 Newsletter January 2022 is now available.Cilck on the link to read it! …

L’Hub per Risorse Tecniche di Farnell
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L’Hub per Risorse Tecniche di Farnell

Farnell ha ampliato l’Hub per Risorse Tecniche con nuovi contenuti esclusivi che offrono agli sviluppatori elettronici una full immersion nelle tecnologie emergenti dell’Industria 4.0, nella…

Come trasferire uno stile pittorico su una fotografia con Python
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Come trasferire uno stile pittorico su una fotografia con Python

Il trasferimento di stile è un metodo per fondere due immagini distinte e crearne una nuova. Non si tratta di una mera sovrapposizione o di…

PJ2/NF9V  Curacao Island. From DXNews.com
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PJ2/NF9V Curacao Island. From DXNews.com

Rudy, NF9V will be active from Curacao Island, IOTA SA-099, 15 – 22 February 2022, as PJ2/NF9V., PJ2/NF9V Curacao Island. From DXNews.com, ,

ARRL World Wide Digital Contest | New Ham Radio Contest
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ARRL World Wide Digital Contest | New Ham Radio Contest

The ARRL has announced a new world wide radio contest – the ARRL World Wide Digital Contest. It will take place during the first full…

The K7RA Solar Update
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The K7RA Solar Update

Tad Cook, K7RA, Seattle, reports: Three new sunspot groups appeared on February 3, 6, and 8. Average daily sunspot number rose slightly during the February 3…

New Power Supplies – Astron Corporation
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New Power Supplies – Astron Corporation

Power Supplies – Astron Corporation Antenna GB 8elm 144MHz Quad October 14, 2015 No comments Details GB 8elm 144.300 MHz Quad for Horizontal or Vertical…

SDR Control for Icom version 1.1.4 released
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SDR Control for Icom version 1.1.4 released

SDR Control for Icom  — Software Defined Radio Client for Icom Transceivers SDR-Control is a full featured App to operate your Icom Transceiver at home or…

Sfide e soluzioni per lo sviluppo di applicazioni di Edge Machine Learning
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Sfide e soluzioni per lo sviluppo di applicazioni di Edge Machine Learning

AI periferica, Embedded ML, Edge ML, TinyML sono tutti sinonimi dello stesso concetto: abilitare algoritmi di Deep Learning su dispositivi embedded a bassissima potenza, aprendo…

Beijing Winter Olympics Special Event Station BY1CRA/WO22 is Active
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Beijing Winter Olympics Special Event Station BY1CRA/WO22 is Active

The Chinese Radio Amateurs Club (CRAC) has announced that Beijing 2022 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games special event station BY1CRA/WO22 is now active on FT8, SSB, and…

Portable with the Slidewinder DX Multiband HF Antenna
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Portable with the Slidewinder DX Multiband HF Antenna

Slidewinder DX Ground Spike Antenna kit. Designed as part of the Slidewinder DX Range of products, For base- portable- travel- backpacking antenna systems.Sets up in…