Tag: advanced

Migliorare l’analisi dei dati del nostro dispositivo con l’Advanced Chart Widget per Arduino Cloud
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Migliorare l’analisi dei dati del nostro dispositivo con l’Advanced Chart Widget per Arduino Cloud

L’Advanced Chart Widget per Arduino Cloud è un widget nuovo e migliorato. Un aggiornamento significativo rispetto al precedente widget grafico, che offre più opzioni di…

Advanced Operation of the IC-705
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Advanced Operation of the IC-705

JH1CBX Masaco introduces some advanced operation of the IC-705; Terminal mode, Image sharing, RTTY, FT8 and contest operation. Antenna 90’ MAGNETIC LOOP T3FD TERMINATED FOLDED…

New RFinder B1, Advanced VHF/UHF 4 Watt DMR/Analog Ham Radio Smartphone, NO CODE PLUGS NEEDED!!
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New RFinder B1, Advanced VHF/UHF 4 Watt DMR/Analog Ham Radio Smartphone, NO CODE PLUGS NEEDED!!

“My switch back from iPhone to RFinder happened in this video. A dual band VHF/UHF radio with a newly designed receiver for better sensitivity, new…

The Most Advanced DMR & 4G LTE Radio – RFinder B1
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The Most Advanced DMR & 4G LTE Radio – RFinder B1

The Most Advanced DMR & 4G LTE Radio – RFinder B1 The RFinder B1 is the most advanced Dual Band (VHF/UHF) DMR Transceiver combined with an embedded…

Advanced debugging su MSP430
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Advanced debugging su MSP430

La famiglia MSP430 di Texas Instruments fa parte di una generazione di microcontrollori con prestazioni e caratteristiche molto elevate. In questo articolo affronteremo le tematiche riguardanti il debugging avanzato…

SharkRF Openspot3, The Most Advanced Digital Ham Hotspot!
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SharkRF Openspot3, The Most Advanced Digital Ham Hotspot!

Compatible digital radio protocols and networks DMR (BrandMeister, DMRplus, DMR-MARC, Phoenix, XLX, TGIF) D-STAR® (DCS, REF/DPlus, XRF/DExtra, XLX) System Fusion®/C4FM (FCS, YSFReflector) NXDN® (NXDNReflector) P25 (P25Reflector) POCSAG (DAPNET) APRS® messaging and…

IC-9700 Manual – Basic and Advanced Manual [ English ]
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IC-9700 Manual – Basic and Advanced Manual [ English ]

IC-9700 Manual Basic Manual  http://www.icom.co.jp/world/support/download/manual/pdf/IC-9700_ENG_Basic_0.pdf Advanced Manual: http://www.icom.co.jp/world/support/download/manual/pdf/IC-9700_AdvancedManual_ENG_0.pdf News ARRL Gauging Impact of Revised California Distracted Driving Law October 04, 2016 No comments California has…

Advanced ColdFire TCP/IP Clients
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Advanced ColdFire TCP/IP Clients

Freescale/NXP ha proposto un’interessante suite TCP/IP che intende coniugare prestazioni e facilità di impiego allo scopo di fornire un client ottimizzato particolarmente indicato per sistemi embedded. Freescale/NXP con il suo Advanced ColdFire TCP/IP clients è riuscita…

Advanced ColdFire TCP/IP Clients
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Advanced ColdFire TCP/IP Clients

Freescale/NXP ha proposto un’interessante suite TCP/IP che intende coniugare prestazioni e facilità di impiego allo scopo di fornire un client ottimizzato particolarmente indicato per sistemi embedded. Freescale/NXP con il suo Advanced ColdFire TCP/IP clients è riuscita…

Simple 40-Meter Dipole Supports Advanced Mars Radar
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Simple 40-Meter Dipole Supports Advanced Mars Radar

The venerable HF dipole has found a new home and purpose in space. The Mars advanced radar for subsurface and ionospheric sounding (MARSIS) on Mars…