Tag: amateur
Message from Ukrainian Amateur Radio League
Message from Anatoly Kirilenko UT3UY of the Ukrainian Amateur Radio League : Antenna Squalo antenna for 6m by PA3HCM March 03, 2015 No comments …
Space Pioneers Amateur Radio Kit Initiative!
Frank Bauer KA3HDO had a minute to fill us in on the new ARISS education initiative SPARKI Antenna Fan Dipoles June 07, 2021 No comments…
SOAR: Satellite Optimized Amateur Radio
Satellite Optimized Amateur Radio SOAR: Satellite Optimized Amateur Radio. A radio that’s optimized for operating FM satellites. In this video, I talk about the challenges…
Webinar Set to Discuss Amateur Radio and AUXCOM Support to Department of Defense
On February 18, at 0100 UTC (the evening of Thursday, February 17, in North American time zones), the US Army Network Enterprise Technology Command (NETCOM)…
Amateur Operation in 3.45 – 3.5 GHz Segment Must Cease by April 14, 2022
The FCC has established April 14, 2022, as the date by which amateur radio transmissions must stop in the upper 3.45 – 3.5 GHz segment…
New Icom Amateur Radio USB Driver and Control Software Updates
Over the Christmas and New Year Holiday, Icom released updates that will provide improvements to the IC-705/ID-52E USB driver and RS-BA1 Version 2 and RS-8600…
Polish Radio Amateur Ordered to Stop Using Falkland Islands Identifier from Antarctica
The Falkland Islands Communications Regulator has directed Polish radio amateur Sebastian Gleich, SQ1SGB, to cease his ham radio operation from Antarctica’s Halley VI Research Station…
Shaping the Future of Amateur Radio
In October 2021 the Region 1 Workshop for the future of amateur radio was organized online. About 50 countries and 100 participants joined the 5 days workshop…
Senator Blumenthal Supports Amateur Radio at Senate Confirmation Hearing
Senator Richard Blumenthal (CT) received an affirmative reply from FCC Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel when he asked her to commit to providing his office “an update…
ST-4003W Time Adjustment Software For Selected Icom Amateur Radios
The ST-4003W is a Windows based software, which allows you to set the radio’s time from your PC’s time by connecting your radio to a…
EMF D-Day For UK Amateur Radio
The UK Amateur Licence now requires amateurs to check compliance with EMF exposure limits. Compliance is required from 18th November 2021 for frequencies above…
US and Region 2 Amateur Radio Direction-Finding Championships Results are In
The results are in for the 20th US ARDF Championships and 11th IARU Region 2 Amateur Radio Direction Finding (ARDF). Four days of competitions were…
Blackpool CB & Amateur Radio Convoy 22/10/2021
This sounds like a brilliant event, taking place on Friday 22nd October there will be a CB and Amateur Radio convoy taking place in the…
ARRL Continues Its Efforts to Preserve Amateur Radio Secondary Use of the 3 GHz Band
ARRL President Rick Roderick, K5UR, in a written statement on the newly filed H.R.5378 before the US House Commerce Communications and Technology Subcommittee on Wednesday, urged Congress…
Amateur Radio Volunteers Assist in Major US Cycling Event
On September 11, some 115 amateur radio volunteers from five states provided communication support for LoToJa, the longest single-day USA Cycling (USAC)-sanctioned bicycle event in the…
ARRL Responds to Story of Radio Amateur Told to Remove His Antenna
ARRL has responded to an Orlando, Florida, news story on August 23, 2021 by WFTV Channel 9 alleging a radio amateur was told to remove his antenna…
Amateur Radio Operator Banned! Insulin Pump “Interference” – Was it from Ham Radio?
An interesting article in the media claims a woman’s insulin pump is being “potentially” interfered with by an amateur radio operator down the street. Was…
Faith Hannah Lea, KD3Z, is Amateur Radio Newsline 2021 Young Ham of the Year
Faith Hannah Lea, KD3Z, of Palm Coast, Florida, has been selected as the 2021 Bill Pasternak WA6ITF Memorial Amateur Radio Newsline Young Ham of the Year. Faith…
Anytone AT-779 70MHz Amateur Radio Review
Video:YouTube/M0OGY Dave, M0OGY takes a look at the Anytone AT-779 and makes a few contacts on the 4m band…
Massachusetts Court Okays Amateur Radio Tower, Citing Board of Appeals’ Error
A judge in the Massachusetts Land Court has ruled that the Zoning Board of Appeals in the City of Framingham “erred” in revoking a building…
AO-109 (RadFxSat-2/AMSAT Fox-1E) Open for Amateur Use
AMSAT’s Engineering and Operations Teams have announced that AO-109 (RadFxSat-2/AMSAT Fox-1E) is now open for amateur use. AMSAT advises operators to use efficient modes for…
Amateur Radio Responds to Flooding in Western Europe
International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) Region 1 Emergency Communications Coordinator Greg Mossop, G0DUB, reported over the weekend that amateur radio volunteers have responded in the…
Spain’s URE makes amateur radio magazine archive available
Spain’s URE makes amateur radio magazine archive availableSpain’s national amateur radio society URE has digitized their old magazines from 1949 to 2020 and made the PDF’s available…
In recognition of Amateur Radio Operators [ VIDEO ]
In recognition of Amateur Radio Operators Antenna QST Announces 2017 Antenna Design Competition Winners September 13, 2017 No comments QST has announced the winners of its…
Radio Amateur’s Vintage Home Movie Film Sheds Light on Hindenburg Disaster
Vintage home movie film provided by New Jersey radio amateur Bob Schenck, N2OO, was the highlight of a PBS documentary about the Hindenburg disaster. The film, shot…