Tag: antenna
Making a Home Brew 7 Element PMR 446 Antenna
Videos from YouTube/Al 26TC101`s World of Radio
Complete Teardown of the Excalibur CB Radio Antenna
Video:YouTube/Paul McGee M0WNU
UA9BA Simple and effective 160m antenna at UA9BA. From DXNews.com
I live on a limited lot measuring 47m by 89m, but the good thing about it is its proximity to salt lake Karataban of 1…
Tidradio TD771 Antenna Test – Fred In The Shed
Video:YouTube/Fred in the Shed The video when ‘Fred’ shows us his face!!!!! 👍
From DXCC Challenges to Antennas and Coax: A Deep Dive into 50 MHz Antenna Analysis
The article discusses the evolution of amateur radio equipment, emphasizing the importance of antennas and the essential role of the RigExpert “AA-55 Zoom” antenna analyzer….
Thunderpole T-X Back In Stock + New Antenna
Good news from Thunderpole who now have the T-X handheld back in stock! They also have a new BNC telescopic antenna to go with…
FIRST LOOK: Sirio Monsoon Antenna Review
Video:YouTube/M0OGY Dave takes an exclusive look at the new Monsoon antenna, complete with ‘Bottom Tuning System’ (Ooooo-Errrr!)
Scegliere la giusta antenna per le applicazioni IoT
Le applicazioni per l’Internet delle Cose (IoT) si basano su una connettività affidabile per accedere ai dati dei sensori o per controllare dispositivi e macchine….
Pacificon – SteppIR Antenna
SteppIR Antenna This is another video from Pacificon 2022. I will interviewing another vender. John Mertel, WA7IR, for SteppIR. Watch to learn more. Antenna Cheap…
PT-GP1 Multiband HF Vertical Portable Antenna
Here we take a look at and test the PT-GP1 HF Multiband Antenna. This can be used either portable, on hikes, sota, pota or even…
The giant Collins HF discone antenna at the Titan Missile Museum
An amazing place and a unique and equally amazing antenna that you can hook up to! Ham Radio Operators, you can now broadcast and listen…
Mount Your Mobile Ham Radio Antenna The Right Way
Mount Your Mobile Ham Radio Antenna The Right Way Review Difficult Grounding Issues July 12, 2021 No comments Tim Desmond, KI5OUN, inspired this video on…
Now even better! Chameleon LEFS 8010 Lightweight End Fed Sloper Antenna
I take a look at the Chameleon CHA LEFS 8010 Light Weight End Fed Sloper Antenna. This antenna gives you 8 bands, without the need…
GXP Antenna 16 elements 5 bands – Contest
Antenna BEAM 16 elements 5 bands „contest” (New model 2022) Bands: 80/40/20/15/10 [ m ] Active elements: 2/ 3/ 3/ 3/ 5 [ pcs ]…
HF 3 Band Antenna on 6 meter boom 20m 15m and 10m
HF 3 Band Antenna designed for 20m 15m and 10m 3B-334HD Ultimate HF Tri-band Antenna 3B-334HD with central wide-spaced elements that can fit in antenna…
Counterpoise For Long Wire Antenna
Robert, KD1JG, has some questions on his options for his balun set up. I have multiple suggestions for his set up. Watch to learn more…
BD7IBI Telescoping antenna 20-6M – AliExpress Antenna Review $21!
“Today we will be talking about the BD7IBI Telescoping Ham Radio and Shortwave Listening (SWL) Antenna. This is a Antenna capable of 20m-6M. Although this…
How Coaxial Cable Improves Antenna Reception
Comparing RG58/U, RG8X, Hyperflex 5, Ultraflex 7, & Hyperflex 10 What’s the difference? Antenna Hexbeam 7 Band “40m”, 20, 17, 15, 12, 10 and 6…
Comet HFJ-350M Toy Box 9 Band Portable Telescopic Antenna
Comet HFJ-350M Testing the Comet HFJ-350M 160-6 Meter Toy Box Antenna for Portable Ham Radio. Comet HFJ-350 Toy-Box 160M-6M 10-Band Portable Telescopic Antenna Separates into…
Here we take a look at the MRQ213 17 feet telescopic antenna available from Moonrakeronline.com Antenna Ground Radial Wire For Vertical – Ham Radio Antenna…
The Best Invisible Attic Antenna
The Best Invisible Attic Antenna Review Review of SDRplay SDRduo Two-Tuner SDR Radio May 19, 2018 No comments “SDRplay has done it again with an…
BEST HF Mobile Antenna Options 2022
BEST HF Mobile Antenna Options 2022 Antenna Best Antenna Practices June 21, 2021 No comments “Donald Clark, KB6QEW, is having some trouble with his SWR….
SARK100 HF Antenna Analyzer
SARK100 HF Antenna Analyzer “Here we take a look at the SARK100 Antenna Analyzer. Discontinued in KIT Form in 2011 but STILL available to purchase…