TennTennas Introducing the brand new TennTennas Mini. This time it’s even smaller, lighter, and portable. This antenna handles 25 watts of power and is small…
An active Antenna with 10m RG58 Cable for permanent placement outdoors to explore and experiment with reception of satellite signals on frequencies between 1530MHz to…
Buddipole Checking out the Buddipole Buddistick Pro. A 40m-6m L dipole antenna for ham radio. Designed as a multi-band, portable antenna for 40m – 6m,…
Remote Antenna Switch 2022 saw the return of the Dayton Hamvention and also celebrated the 70th anniversary of the world’s largest ham radio trade show….
5-minute video how to download the software and make your first ground mounted vertical – easy. MMANA-GAL is an antenna-analyzing tool based on the moment…
Inflatable Satellite Antenna GATR 2.4m Inflatable Ku & C Band Satellite Antenna VSAT Satcom Deployable Up for auction is an GATR 2.4m inflatable antenna for…
RC-1 is designed for ICOM IC-705 portable transceiver with desktop type quick disassembly antenna bracket. The aluminum alloy is refined by CNC machine tool, which…
“Let’s have a play with Delta Loops. Horizontal, Vertical and Sky-Loop style. Fascinating stuff. Callum” Antenna 7 courtyard or balcony HF antenna ideas for small…
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