“Let’s have a play with Delta Loops. Horizontal, Vertical and Sky-Loop style. Fascinating stuff. Callum” Antenna 7 courtyard or balcony HF antenna ideas for small…
This is the best all round wideband desktop scanner antenna on the current market. Keeping within the famous discone design but smaller for internal use…
This is another question from Charles. What is an Octopus Antenna? Antenna Elecraft AX1 Multi-Band Whip Antenna October 07, 2018 No comments Elecraft AX1 – Portable…
Get radio active! In this video, you’re guided STEP-BY-STEP by ARRL member Rob Zielfelder, Jr., N1NUG, to build an End-Fed Half-Wave Antenna Kit! The easy-to-build…
Thanks to @K6ARK for telling me to try out telescopic handheld amateur radio antennas, they ROCK! Antenna JK2040-Hawk – Yagi antenna of 5 elements for…
Ham Radio Multiband Ground Plane Antenna by ok1cdj Download Files :https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2030237 This is remix from http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1725339 The idea is make 3 or 4 band lightweight portable vertical…
ICOM AH-730 – AUTOMATIC ANTENNA TUNER Fast Tune-up from 1.8 to 50 MHz BandRemote Control with Icom Transceivers Descriptions Wide Frequency Coverage With a 7…
The CHA TD 2.0 is a broadband High Frequency (HF) antenna specially designed for short to long range portable and man-pack HF communication, where portability and rapid…
Antenna Analyzer What is the best ham radio antenna analyzer for off-grid comms, SOTA (summits on the air) camping, outdoors, etc? And why? Frequency range: 0.1…
Slidewinder DX Ground Spike Antenna kit. Designed as part of the Slidewinder DX Range of products, For base- portable- travel- backpacking antenna systems.Sets up in…
Antenna Tracker A self contained antenna rotator and radio controller. Natively controls Icom and Yaesu rotators and can interface with PSTRotator. No computer required! That’s…
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