Tag: antenna

VHF Antenna on my Hydraulic Mast!
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VHF Antenna on my Hydraulic Mast!

“I put my VHF/UHF antenna on my hydraulic lighting rig and it’s amazing. 0-30 feet in 1 minute. Diamond V2000. 6m, 2m and 70cm with…

RX Antenna – I Installed a Loop On Ground (LOG) for Ham Radio
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RX Antenna – I Installed a Loop On Ground (LOG) for Ham Radio

“I have never tried a Loop RX antenna actually on the Ground! So today I tried it out for my Ham Radio station. This is…

GA-450 Portable Active Small Loop HF Antenna
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GA-450 Portable Active Small Loop HF Antenna

Loop HF Antenna Here we take a look at the GA450 Active Loop HF Antenna. Overall impression, better than expected! Features:1. The antenna is an…

Tuning the Buddistick Pro Antenna
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Tuning the Buddistick Pro Antenna

Designed as a multi-band, portable antenna for 40m – 6m, the Buddistick PRO is an excellent performer with any transceiver up to 250 watts.  The…

Do antenna tuners help with shortwave listening?
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Do antenna tuners help with shortwave listening?

 Do antenna tuners help with shortwave listening? Antenna Building the BuddiHex Hexbeam | Best Portable Ham Radio Antenna September 28, 2021 No comments Today I…

GRA-ULT01 Lightweight Portable Antenna Mast Mount Tripod Tower UHF SO239 Connector
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GRA-ULT01 Lightweight Portable Antenna Mast Mount Tripod Tower UHF SO239 Connector

GRA-ULT01 is a telescopic portable tripod for UHF connector portable antennas. Made by Gabil Radio in Taiwan. Designed as part of a portable, backpack, base,…

What’s the best antenna for in the attic?
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What’s the best antenna for in the attic?

A viewer asks: What would be your best recommended HF attic antenna? Joe and I respond with some limited space and HOA friendly options. Antenna…

Deep Dive Into The RigExpert AA-2000 ZOOM Antenna Analyzer, SWR/TDR/Cable Loss And MORE
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Deep Dive Into The RigExpert AA-2000 ZOOM Antenna Analyzer, SWR/TDR/Cable Loss And MORE

Here is the Rigexpert AA-2000 Zoom, their flagship antenna analyzer. This is SO MUCH MORE than checking SWR. This is a complete analysis in your…

Ultimate HT Antenna Shootout
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Ultimate HT Antenna Shootout

HT Antenna The most common question I get? What antenna do you use or recommend for your hand held ham radio? Well today, I’m going…

Does 5 x Copper Rods Help my Antenna Field and Inverted L?
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Does 5 x Copper Rods Help my Antenna Field and Inverted L?

So I grounded the fence to the ground to help my Inverted L on 80m. WIll it make any difference? HUGE project this time –…

Chamleon Antenna’s MPAS Antenna, is it as good as a Dipole?
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Chamleon Antenna’s MPAS Antenna, is it as good as a Dipole?

“Not long ago I purchased the Cha Hybrid-Mini from Chameleon Antennas. This is the 500 watt SSB and 250w for CW version and just a…

RigExpert Stick Pro – Portable Antenna Analyzer [ Review ]
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RigExpert Stick Pro – Portable Antenna Analyzer [ Review ]

The Rig Expert Stick Pro is an antenna analyzer that will cover HF and 2 meter and 70 centrimeter bands. Frequency range: 0.1 ~ 600 MHz Frequency…

All Power goes to the Right Antenna
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All Power goes to the Right Antenna

Paul, K6PMZ, has a question concerning power distribution over multiple antennas. He has a switchable splitter and he is wondering if power is being lost…

Safely using a coax switch to connect multiple rigs to a single antenna system
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Safely using a coax switch to connect multiple rigs to a single antenna system

This video answers the question – “Can an antenna switch be used in reverse, to switch multiple radios into a single antenna system and, is…

3-Band antenna 15m 10m 6m
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3-Band antenna 15m 10m 6m

Three Band Yagi Antenna for 21 MHz, 28 MHz and 50 MHz PA212850-21-12HD – 15 meter, 10 meter and 6 meter band. Antenna covers full 15…

Chameleon CHA-MPAS 2.0 Portable Ham Radio Antenna System
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Chameleon CHA-MPAS 2.0 Portable Ham Radio Antenna System

The Chameleon CHA-MPAS 2.0 just might be the best portable Ham Radio antenna that you can get today, due to its versatile configurations and compact…

Using FT8 to demonstrate Antenna Orientations
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Using FT8 to demonstrate Antenna Orientations

One man’s observation of different radiation patterns that evolved from choosing different antenna installation orientations. What are your thoughts? Antenna PA0NHC – active, capacitive receiving…

Building the BuddiHex Hexbeam | Best Portable Ham Radio Antenna
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Building the BuddiHex Hexbeam | Best Portable Ham Radio Antenna

Today I go through all of the steps and pieces for building the BuddiHex Hexbeam antenna from Buddpole. This might be the best portable ham…

Stretching Antenna Bandwidths
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Stretching Antenna Bandwidths

Often on the HF bands, we find that the quoted antenna frequency bandwidth is not wide enough to cover the whole band. This can be…

HF Multiband Vertical Antenna – FALCON OUT-250B
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HF Multiband Vertical Antenna – FALCON OUT-250B

The FALCON OUT-250B is a Short Wave Multiband Vertical antenna (WARC incl.) with flat SWR across the bands. In this video I assemble, install, test,…

Chameleon Tactical Delta Loop – Antenna Review
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Chameleon Tactical Delta Loop – Antenna Review

The Chameleon Tactical Delta Loop covers 80 meters through 6 meters. and will handle 100 watts on SSB and 50 watts CW/Digital. Its a great…

Antenna Review | MFJ Ham Stick
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Antenna Review | MFJ Ham Stick

MFJ Ham Stick Antenna DxGlider52: Ultimate DX-Contest Tribander 18 elements ~ 52ft boom November 24, 2014 No comments   18 elements ~ 52ft boom ~…

How to Setup and Tune the BuddiStick Pro Antenna from Buddipole
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How to Setup and Tune the BuddiStick Pro Antenna from Buddipole

BuddiStick Pro ham radio antenna from Buddipole Product Details DESCRIPTION The Buddistick PRO Deluxe Package contains the following:1). Buddistick PRO Antenna2). 5 Section Shockcord Legs…

Why use a J-Pole Antenna?
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Why use a J-Pole Antenna?

“A viewer asks: Why J-Pole antennas? I mean it’s a cool design and all, but some people swear by them. What advantages do they have?…

ARRL Responds to Story of Radio Amateur Told to Remove His Antenna
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ARRL Responds to Story of Radio Amateur Told to Remove His Antenna

ARRL has responded to an Orlando, Florida, news story on August 23, 2021 by WFTV Channel 9 alleging a radio amateur was told to remove his antenna…