MFJ-994B, 600 Watt Intelli-TunerTM! automatic antenna tuner with new 10,000 VirtualAntennaTM Memories. Like MFJ-993B but handles 600 Watts SSB/CW, matches 12-800 Ohms. Does not have…
Antenna Genius is a smart antenna switch that features 8 antennas to 1 radio. Designed for less demanding applications. LAN/WAN capability was a core design…
Software The 2020 Software Defined Radio Academy will be held online June 14, 2020 No comments This year’s Software Defined Radio Academy is taking place…
News Ailunce HS2 SDR Transceiver APP Control CW Transmit via Bluethooth May 25, 2020 No comments HS2 is an ultra-portable full-frequency full-mode SDR radio. Receive…
Video:YouTube/hollyend01 We’ve featured the homebrew Gainmaster on the blog before but here’s a couple of new videos made by Mike M0MSN showing his take on…
AFFECTED BY ANTENNA ATTACK Three Archi stations on the Big Island of Chiloé, specifically, from Ancud, experienced surprise and dismay this Tuesday morning, when they…
Antenna 4 Ways to Use Your AlexLoop Antenna November 18, 2016 No comments AlexLoop Walkham Portable Small Magnetic Loop Antenna The AlexLoop Walkham was designed…
News FCC is crystal clear: Remote ham radio licensing exams are absolutely permitted April 30, 2020 No comments In the wake of the Coronavirus pandemic,…
La tecnologia NFC (Near Field Communication), già presente sul mercato da alcuni anni, identifica un sistema di trasmissione dati senza contatto basato sullo standard RFID…
Antenna How to shorten your wire antenna without cutting it April 14, 2020 No comments Read more Shark HF Hamsticks, American Made, Review And Testing…
NFC (Near Field Communication) è una tecnologia wireless e contactless particolarmente indicata per applicazioni quali pagamenti e trasferimento dati tra dispositivi mobile. Nel corso dell’articolo…
Review Annual Armed Forces Day Crossband Test Postponed April 08, 2020 No comments Due to the ongoing COVID-19 response and mitigation actions, the 2020 Armed…
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