Tag: antennas

Phasing Antennas for Directionality
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Phasing Antennas for Directionality

Jared, N0SPC, is the only ham in his country, and he has a question regarding phasing. He wants to know if he can use a…

Improving Suburban HF Vertical Antennas
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Improving Suburban HF Vertical Antennas

HF verticals are very popular for the smaller suburban gardens. How do they perform and are there any improvements you should consider? Antenna Review of…

Resonant vs Non-Resonant Antennas
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Resonant vs Non-Resonant Antennas

Richard, AE6XO, is wondering what the difference is between resonant and non resonant antennas. Why no just get a non resonant and use a tuner?…

Antennas TOO Close Together
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Antennas TOO Close Together

Steve, AI7SV, is having some trouble with his antennas due to him placing them too close together. Antenna Grounding a Counterpoise on End-Fed Half Wave…

SDRplay comparison of 4 popular magnetic loop antennas
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SDRplay comparison of 4 popular magnetic loop antennas

In this video Mike Harwood compares 4 different active mag loop antenna at various frequencies up to 52MHz using two SDRplay RSPduos which allowed simultaneous…

Stealth HOA, Shunt Fed, 80m Through 6M HF Antenna By TN07 Engineering, MyGO2 Antennas
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Stealth HOA, Shunt Fed, 80m Through 6M HF Antenna By TN07 Engineering, MyGO2 Antennas

Another way to beat the HOA commandos when you want to operate ham radio. This antenna can be very hard to notice at all if…

eFactor Antennas, For VHF/UHF SSB, CW And Satellite, Base OR Mobile, At Huntsville Hamfest 2021
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eFactor Antennas, For VHF/UHF SSB, CW And Satellite, Base OR Mobile, At Huntsville Hamfest 2021

I definitely will have one of these, would be great for POTA, SOTA, Satellite, Mobile, Base, on SSB and/or CW… Antenna Which connector for my…

Effective Indoor Antennas
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Effective Indoor Antennas

Peirre, KM4WSJ, lives in Florida and is often victim to powerful lightning and thunder storms and is forced to disconnect his antenna. His question to…

Antennas and Connectors!
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Antennas and Connectors!

Dave, KB2UBO, has two questions… One about Whether a ZS6BKW could/should be used in an inverted V? Another about Wheather to crimp or solder connectors?…

UA9BA 80 meter Band Spitfires Antennas. From DXNews.com
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UA9BA 80 meter Band Spitfires Antennas. From DXNews.com

In this article I describe few construction ideas for 80 meter spitfires and provide the MMANA files for your own evaluation., UA9BA 80 meter Band…

How close can Antennas be?
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How close can Antennas be?

Bpb, KC1MOF, is setting up his second antenna, a mfj 1846 hex beam, and wants to know if his hustler 4btv may be too close,…

Keep Antennas in the Clea
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Keep Antennas in the Clea

Dan Evander, KJ7YBK, lives in a duplex condo and wants to set up a dipole on his roof, but asks Dave for his thoughts on…

Receive Antennas, Contest University and Field Day
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Receive Antennas, Contest University and Field Day

Contest University, Clubs, Field Day the DX Engineering catalog and receive antennas on this weeks episode of Tuesdays with Tim and Jeff! Antenna Alinco EDX-2…

Wideband Antennas for SDR Radios
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Wideband Antennas for SDR Radios

Flip, W4FLP, asked about options for wideband antennas for the popular RSP-DX software defined radio from SDRPlay. We cover three that should work fine. One…

Bushcomm Horizon Multi-Band Loop Antennas LOOP-20
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Bushcomm Horizon Multi-Band Loop Antennas LOOP-20

Antenna, Loop, Magnetic, 20-10M, 125 W PEP, Each Magnetic- loop antennas have existed almost since radio began. The recent resurgence of interest in them is…

Inflating The Dual Band 2m/70cm version of the Air Antennas, opening up repeaters 23 miles away
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Inflating The Dual Band 2m/70cm version of the Air Antennas, opening up repeaters 23 miles away

Inflating The Dual Band 2m/70cm version of the Air Antennas, opening up repeaters 23 miles away Inflating The Dual Band 2m/70cm version of the Air…

Shark Antennas, 48″ 2m/6m/70cm 5/8 Wave Magnet Mount Antenna Review/Update
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Shark Antennas, 48″ 2m/6m/70cm 5/8 Wave Magnet Mount Antenna Review/Update

“After 5 months of using this antenna, I owe a follow up as I mentioned in my original video. This antenna has been a solid…

Survey of Less-Expensive Vertical Antennas
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Survey of Less-Expensive Vertical Antennas

Oggie Mike, KB7HFS, asks for a recommendation for a new vertical antenna. He already has a radial field and a mount; his prior antenna was…

HF Antennas for Beginners: Tuesdays with Tim and Jeff
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HF Antennas for Beginners: Tuesdays with Tim and Jeff

“We are bringing in 2021 with Tuesdays with Tim, K3LR and Jeff,KB8ZWT discussing HF antennas. Did you recently upgrade from tech to general? Than you…

Spy Radio & Indoor Antennas – If they can do it, so can you!
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Spy Radio & Indoor Antennas – If they can do it, so can you!

Spy Radio & Indoor Antennas – If they can do it, so can you! Antenna Build your own Roll Up Slim Jim Antenna for the…

Doublet vs Dipole vs End Fed Antennas – Which is Best for You?
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Doublet vs Dipole vs End Fed Antennas – Which is Best for You?

Doublet vs Dipole vs End Fed Antennas – Which is Best for You? Antenna FX771 MetroPWR Overview September 14, 2017 No comments  Technical Features METER…

End Fed Half-Wave Antennas – Tips and Tricks
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End Fed Half-Wave Antennas – Tips and Tricks

End Fed Half-Wave Antennas Antenna Broadband K4KIO Hex-Beam February 05, 2015 No comments  “KIO Broadband Hexagonal Beam Antenna This two element, five band, directional antenna…

Apartment, Attic, HOA and Small Spaces Ham Radio Antennas
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Apartment, Attic, HOA and Small Spaces Ham Radio Antennas

Antenna The 2 Meter Coffee Can Antenna May 06, 2015 No comments   The 2 meter coffee can antenna is easy to make and you’ll…

Carbon Fiber Mast for Ham Radio Antennas
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Carbon Fiber Mast for Ham Radio Antennas

Carbon Fiber Masts from Gigaparts for your Ham Radio Antenna – these masts come in 3 different sizes, this one being the 50′ version. This…

Indoor Antennas That Work! – Ham Nation 460
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Indoor Antennas That Work! – Ham Nation 460

Antenna The CDAA Antenna and the Wullenweber January 30, 2015 No comments A CDAA  of which the Wullenweber is a type, consists of a group…