Tag: antennas

NVIS Antennas – DXE-NVIS-8040S – DX Engineering
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NVIS Antennas – DXE-NVIS-8040S – DX Engineering

NVIS Antennas Antenna, Short Dual Dipole, Portable, NVIS, 80 and 40 Meters Dual Band, Kit   Wire Antenna Band 80 meters 40 meters DX Engineering…

Ham College 44 – General Amateur Radio Exam part 15. Skywaves, MUF, more HF Antennas
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Ham College 44 – General Amateur Radio Exam part 15. Skywaves, MUF, more HF Antennas

Antenna Stealth Antennas [ PodCast ] – Everything Ham Radio January 27, 2017 No comments “Hello everybody and welcome back to the Everything Ham Radio…

Antennas and Wind  [ ARRL The Doctor is In PodCast ]
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Antennas and Wind [ ARRL The Doctor is In PodCast ]

Whether you have a simple wire antenna or a large HF Yagi on a tower, the effects of wind are major considerations. The Doctor offers…

UK Petition – Amateur/CB Antennas
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UK Petition – Amateur/CB Antennas

Reported on the QRZ forums is news of a petition to exempt Amateur Radio and CB antennas from planning permission which you may want to…

Storm Takes Down Antennas at Memorial Ham Station on Swedish-Norwegian Border
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Storm Takes Down Antennas at Memorial Ham Station on Swedish-Norwegian Border

The SJ9WL-LG5LG Morokulien memorial station on the border of Sweden and Norway is off the air after a large tree, brought down during a severe storm on…

General Amateur Radio Exam part 13. Digital Modes pt 5, HF Antennas part 3 – Ham College 42
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General Amateur Radio Exam part 13. Digital Modes pt 5, HF Antennas part 3 – Ham College 42

VHF What Frequency Do I Use On 2 Meters (144MHz )? September 03, 2015 No comments You’ve just purchased your first handheld transceiver and have…

Field Day Antennas [ PodCast ] – “ARRL The Doctor is In”
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Field Day Antennas [ PodCast ] – “ARRL The Doctor is In”

The Doctor offers advice about antenna options for the upcoming ARRL Field Day. Review SunSDR MB1 by Expert Electronics – Review and walk through May…

The Mighty Rhombic, the King of Antennas
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The Mighty Rhombic, the King of Antennas

“There was a time, back in the 1930s and 1940s, when the rhombic antenna was the king. A remarkable antenna that had phenomenal directivity and…

New Book: Receiving Antennas for the Radio Amateur is Now Shipping!
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New Book: Receiving Antennas for the Radio Amateur is Now Shipping!

ncrease your station’s receive performance with new book Receiving Antennas for the Radio Amateur by ARRL author Eric P. Nichols, KL7AJ.   Although the fundamental characteristics of…

John Stanford, KF6I at SteppIR Antennas
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John Stanford, KF6I at SteppIR Antennas

“As we mentioned in our press release today, we are super excited to share that we have hired John Stanford as the newest member of our…

New Antennas Will Take CubeSats to Mars and Beyond
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New Antennas Will Take CubeSats to Mars and Beyond

By packing big antennas into tiny satellites, JPL engineers are making space science cheap By Nacer E. Chahat One morning in November 2014, Kamal Oudrhiri, a…

Jim Heath W6LG Shares a Video of One of the Largest Ham Radio Antennas
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Jim Heath W6LG Shares a Video of One of the Largest Ham Radio Antennas

Sam, R7AB has one of the largest antenna systems for HF in the world. Here is a video fly-by showing just part of that site….

Indoor Attic Dipole Antenna for Ham Radio & CQ Antennas Center Insulators
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Indoor Attic Dipole Antenna for Ham Radio & CQ Antennas Center Insulators

“Viewer request to try out an antenna for Ham Radio in the attic. Using the CQ Antennas Center Insulators from KE5FEN. Thanks David for the…

Handheld Transceiver Antennas – The Doctor Will See You Now! [PODCAST]
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Handheld Transceiver Antennas – The Doctor Will See You Now! [PODCAST]

    Most handheld transceivers come equipped with so-called “rubber duck” antennas. They aren’t very efficient antennas, but do they really need to be efficient…

Jim W6LG Shows How He Connects 2 HF Antennas at the Same Time
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Jim W6LG Shows How He Connects 2 HF Antennas at the Same Time

JIm, W6LG shows how he recently used 2 off the shelf coax switches to connect 2 antennas to his transceiver at the same time. This…

Dual-Band THUNDERBOLT® Vertical Antennas DXE-8040VA-1
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Dual-Band THUNDERBOLT® Vertical Antennas DXE-8040VA-1

Antenna, 80 & 40 meter Heavy Duty Vertical, 80m 40m Dual-Band, 5,000 W, 55 ft. Height, HD Pivoting Base, Kit DX Engineering 8040VA-1 Dual-Band THUNDERBOLT®…

Stacking Yagi Antennas Vladimir Umanets UA9BA. From DXNews.com
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Stacking Yagi Antennas Vladimir Umanets UA9BA. From DXNews.com

Ural Mountains are in such geographical position thatthree of the most populated areas – Europe, Asia and South-West Pacific – are in the opposite directions…