Tag: coding

RadCom December feature on National Coding Week
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RadCom December feature on National Coding Week

Did you take part in National Coding Week this year? The RSGB had nine activities to inspire you to take part, including two new worksheets…

New activities for National Coding Week
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New activities for National Coding Week

The RSGB is getting ready for National Coding Week which begins on 16 September 2024. This national event is in its 11th year and encourages…

RSGB National Coding Week Coordinator
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RSGB National Coding Week Coordinator

We are delighted to announce that Nigel Thrower, G3YSW will be the RSGB National Coding Week Coordinator this year. The RSGB took part in this…

Ma quale coding, a scuola serve la vera informatica: per innovare il Paese
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Ma quale coding, a scuola serve la vera informatica: per innovare il Paese

La Scuola italiana non ha bisogno solo di coding, ma di un serio insegnamento dell’informatica fin dalle elementari. Eppure il coding è stato spacciato, insieme…