Tag: contest
Contest University to Host Propagation Summit on January 23
Contest University (CTU) is holding a Virtual Propagation Summit on Saturday, January 23. The Zoom-platform event will get under way with introductory remarks from Tim…
Contest University to Host Propagation Summit
Several radio propagation experts will share their knowledge during a Propagation Summit via Zoom, sponsored by Contest University (CTU). The event is scheduled for January…
Valerie NV9L & Raisa R1BIG: to meet a future spouse in a Ham Contest?
Valerie NV9L & Raisa R1BIG: to meet a future spouse in a Ham Contest? Antenna SUPER VERTICAL 80/160 DX [ New Version 22 m Height]…
ARRL to Award John Devoldere, ON4UN, Memorial Plaque for ARRL 160-Meter Contest
For the ARRL 160-Meter Contest taking place December 4 – 6 UTC, the ARRL Programs and Services Committee — on behalf of the ARRL Board of Directors…
LZ DX Contest
Organized ByBulgarian Federation of Radio Amateurs Date and periodThe weekend before the last full weekend of November (the weekend before CQWW CW contest weekend) from…
CQ WW Contest SSB 2020
The CQ WW is the largest Amateur Radio competition in the world. Over 35,000 participants take to the airwaves on the last weekend of October…
New Contest for Portable Stations to Debut in October
A new amateur radio contest for portable operators — the Fox Mike Hotel Portable Operations Challenge (POC) — will debut October 3 – 4. The…
Worked All Europe DX Contest – Rules 2020
(2020-05-13) The Deutscher Amateur Radio Club (DARC) invites radio amateurs world wide to participate in the annual WAE DX Contest. Effective of May 2014 are…
Next RSGB IOTA Contest: 25-26 July 2020
The RSGB IOTA Contest, using the Islands on the Air concept, was created in 1993. This is now a major international event, attracting thousands of…
Video R2AA IARU HF Contest. From DXNews.com
Video R2AA, Jack Danielyan in IARU HF Contest, 11 – 12 July 2020., Video R2AA IARU HF Contest. From DXNews.com, ,
Contest Committee to relax COVID-19 rules
As we’re all aware, the changes to COVID-19 restrictions have been coming thick and fast recently, but they have also remained inconsistent across the different…
Intrepid-DX Group Announces Youth Essay Contest
The Intrepid-DX Group, a US-based IRS 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that promotes amateur radio in developing countries, has announced its first Youth Essay Contest. The prize…
Canada Day 2020 Contest Under Way
Each year on July 1, the anniversary of Canada’s Confederation, Radio Amateurs of Canada (RAC) sponsors the Canada Day Contest. The event continues until 2359 UTC…
The July/August Digital Edition of the National Contest Journal is Now Available
The digital edition of the July/August issue of the National Contest Journal (NCJ) is now available for viewing on your desktop or laptop. Click here to go the ARRL…
Gordo’s VHF Contest Propagation Report
Antenna MLA-30 Active HF Loop Antenna June 18, 2020 No comments Read more Off Center Fed Dipole (OCF) Antenna June 18, 2020 No comments Read…
5 Watts, Xiegu X5105, Chameleon MPAS 2.0, VHF Contest, 50MHz
Antenna Unboxing the MyAntennas EFHW-80-10 End Fed Antenna June 15, 2020 No comments EFHW-8010-1K Multi-Band End Fed Half Wave Antenna This is an End-Fed Half-Wave…
WWSA GACW Contest Rules.
WWSA GACW I – Dates Second weekend of June of every year. From Saturday 15.00 UTC until Sunday 15.00 UTC. 24 hours period. II –…
ARRL Contest Program Issues Field Day 2020 FAQ
The ARRL Contest Program has released some Frequently Asked Questions related to the Field Day temporary rule waivers. On May 28, the ARRL Programs and Services Committee…
CQ WPX Contest CW : May 30 – 31
Photo by PY3VK – QTH ZX5J – PT5J – PP5JR 2020 CQ World-Wide WPX Contest SSB: March 28-29, 2020 CW: May 30-31, 2020 Starts: 0000…
ARI International DX Contest 2020
Claimed Scores Please report any issues to hfcontest.ari(at)gmail.com Per visualizzare i risultati completi cliccare qui
Contest Vinci la lampadina WiFi multicolor: i Vincitori
Eccoci giunti al termine di questo avvincente Contest. Ringraziamo i nostri lettori che hanno partecipato, invitandoli a continuare ad essere parte attiva della community di…
Contest University (CTU) 2020 will be Free and Online
Tim Duffy, K3LR, has announced that Contest University (CTU) USA 2020 will be held online via Zoom on Thursday May 14, starting at 1245 UTC….
HOLYLAND CONTEST The Aim: To promote contacts between Radio Amateurs around the globe and Israeli Hams. To aid Amateurs to achieve the “Holyland Award” and…
RSGB 2020 HF contest survey findings
The RSGB HF Contest Committee (HFCC) has just completed a survey, which was open to all, to help determine its strategy during the Covid-19 pandemic….
Contest Entry Features Multiple Operator Locations and Remote Transmitter-Receiver Site
Restrictions on gatherings due to the COVID-19 pandemic recently prompted a novel approach to multioperator/multi-transmitter operation. The WW2DX entry in the CQ World Wide WPX…