Tag: contest

The QARTest program for Contest
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The QARTest program for Contest

There are many Italian radio amateurs who use special programs to manage the various national and international contests. During this evening we will know the program…

ARRL 10-Meter Contest
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ARRL 10-Meter Contest

Photo  PJ2T Objective: For Amateurs worldwide to exchange QSO information with as many stations as possible on the 10 meter band. Online Log Submission: Participants can…

Contest delle Sezioni ARI 2019

Contest delle Sezioni ARI 2019Risultati Per leggere la classifica completa cliccare qui

14 days of work from 0 – Mega Contest Station LN8W
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14 days of work from 0 – Mega Contest Station LN8W

“One of the largest projects i did in such short period of time ! And yes there were a lot planing and preparation work !…

Hawaii ARES Leverages Contest Station and Winlink for 2019 Simulated Emergency Test
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Hawaii ARES Leverages Contest Station and Winlink for 2019 Simulated Emergency Test

ARES volunteers in Hawaii took the opportunity of the 2019 Simulated Emergency Test (SET) on October 6 (UTC) to test Winlink radio messaging to the US mainland,…

SJ2W Contest Station from Above
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SJ2W Contest Station from Above

Review Australian Regulator Reinstates US Amateur Radio License Reciprocity October 01, 2019 No comments The Wireless Institute of Australia (WIA) reports Australia’s communications regulator ACMA is reinstating…

IARU Region 1 UHF & Up Contest
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IARU Region 1 UHF & Up Contest

The IARU Region 1 UHF & Up Contest will be held this weekend on 5 and 6 October 2019. The contest starts at 14.00 UTC….

DR9A  – VHF – UHF – Super Contest station [ Video ]
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DR9A – VHF – UHF – Super Contest station [ Video ]

News Opening on 144 MHz from the Azores QSO´S over 3,000kms September 20, 2019 No comments On the evening of the 14th and the morning of the 15th…

ARRL Contest and DXCC Rules Now Prohibit Automated Contacts
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ARRL Contest and DXCC Rules Now Prohibit Automated Contacts

Following the direction of the ARRL Board of Directors, ARRL has incorporated changes to the rules for all ARRL-sponsored contests and DXCC, prohibiting automated contacts….

RSGB IOTA Contest Announced Operations: 2019
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RSGB IOTA Contest Announced Operations: 2019

The RSGB IOTA Contest is the most popular contest in the RSGB HF Contests calendar, attracting entries from around the world. IOTA refers to the…

SA Sprint Contest 2019
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SA Sprint Contest 2019

The SA Sprint Contest, is a ham radio competition that aims at improving the operating skills of its participants, and also provide the ground rules…

World Wide Digi DX Contest
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World Wide Digi DX Contest

The World Wide Radio Operators Foundation (“WWROF”), in collaboration with the Slovenia Contest Club (“SCC”), is pleased to announce the first annual World Wide Digi…

Paul Bourque, N1SFE, Joins ARRL Headquarters Staff as Contest Program Manager
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Paul Bourque, N1SFE, Joins ARRL Headquarters Staff as Contest Program Manager

Paul Bourque, N1SFE, of Middletown, Connecticut, has joined the ARRL Headquarters staff as Contest Program Manager. He succeeds Bart Jahnke, W9JJ, who recently was promoted…

W4DXCC DX and Contest Convention Set for September 20 – 21
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W4DXCC DX and Contest Convention Set for September 20 – 21

The W4DXCC DX and Contest Convention will take place September 20 – 21 in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee. A radio shack will be set up with some of…

50 MHz Contest allowed in DL
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50 MHz Contest allowed in DL

With an update of the original 2006 decree the contest ban has been temporalily lifted within the frequency band 50.08-51 MHz, so German amateurs may…

Contest delle Sezioni ARI: Partecipate! E’ il nostro Contest!
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Contest delle Sezioni ARI: Partecipate! E’ il nostro Contest!

ATTENZIONE – SOLO WEB UPLOAD PER I LOG SUL SITO WWW.ARI.IT Link diretto alla pagina del caricamento dei log QUI Link diretto alla pagina dei…

May 14 FT4 Mock Contest Session Canceled, New WSJT-X Beta Version Pending
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May 14 FT4 Mock Contest Session Canceled, New WSJT-X Beta Version Pending

A second hour-long FT4 “practice contest” set for May 14 UTC has been cancelled, following the success of an initial mock contest held on May…

One-Hour FT4 Practice Contest Sessions Set for May 9 and May 14 UTC
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One-Hour FT4 Practice Contest Sessions Set for May 9 and May 14 UTC

One-hour FT4 “practice contest” sessions are set for May 9, 0000 – 0100 UTC (Wednesday evening, May 8, in continental US time zones) and May…

A.R.I. International DX Contest 2019
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A.R.I. International DX Contest 2019

1. The Associazione Radioamatori Italiani (A.R.I.) has the honour of inviting radio amateurs from all over the world to participate in the ARI International DX Contest. 2. Aim: It is…

Faster, More Contest-Friendly FT4 Digital Protocol to Debut in a Week
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Faster, More Contest-Friendly FT4 Digital Protocol to Debut in a Week

A new, speedier, more contest-friendly digital mode is just days away in beta version. WSJT-X Developers say serious work on the new FT4 protocol began shortly after…

FT8 Contest Set for April 13 –14
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FT8 Contest Set for April 13 –14

The European FT8 Club is sponsoring an FT8 DX Contest starting at 1200 UTC on April 13 and running through 1200 UTC on April 14. Everyone works…

3° Contest Speed IFFA

La Sezione A.R.I. di Mondovì (CN) promuove il 3° Contest Speed IFFA “ Italian Flora Fauna Award” Regolamento edizione 2019   Partecipanti: Possono partecipare tutti…

Fun 4-Hour Contest This Saturday!
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Fun 4-Hour Contest This Saturday!

“Dear Fellow Ham, Just a quick note to let you know about a very fun, short (4 hour) contest happening this weekend.  It is the North…

Preliminary Results of the ARRL International DX Contest (CW) Now Available
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Preliminary Results of the ARRL International DX Contest (CW) Now Available

Sunset at the PJ2T station! Photo from Gene KB7Q ARRL Radiosport and Field Services Manager Bart Jahnke, W9JJ, has announced that through the yeoman efforts…

Russian DX Contest 2019
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Russian DX Contest 2019

1. Contest sponsors The “Soyuz Radioljubitelej Rossii” (Union of Radioamateurs of Russia), SRR is pleased to announce 26 International “Russian DX Contest” 2. Contest Period…