Il Gabinetto di Fisica della Fondazione Scienza e Tecnica di Firenze è stato aperto al pubblico solo dopo un lungo restauro, terminato nel 2007. Pochi…
Antenna Butternut HF9V 9 Band Vertical Antenna March 02, 2015 No comments Brand:Butternut Manufacturer’s Part Number:HF9V Part Type:HF Vertical Antennas and Packages …
Antenna 6M-F Magnetic Loop December 28, 2019 No comments A 50~54 mHz high performance, CNC manufactured, all aluminum magnetic loop antenna. At only 18 inches,…
The European Space Agency (ESA) reports that the OPS-SAT “flying laboratory” satellite lifted off from Europe’s Spaceport in Kourou, French Guiana, aboard a Soyuz-Fregat rocket on December 18. According…
During this Holiday Season, when the spirit of giving and receiving gifts reigns high, ARISS received a special gift and delivered a phenomenal gift to…
The Atlantic Telegraph Company’s 1858 failure set the stage for success just eight years later By Allison Marsh Photo: Division of Work & Industry/National Museum of…
December 11 marks the 98th anniversary of the success of ARRL’s Transatlantic Tests in 1921, organized to see if low-power amateur radio stations could be heard across…
Video:YouTube/RustySkull Productions Here we have the first video of the new Thunderpole T-3000 CB Radio from RustySkull Productions. The T-3000 is the first of a…
In Australia, Roland Lang, VK4FB, and Stefan Durtschi, VK4CSD, completed what is being claimed as the world’s first FT8 contact on 122 GHz. The distance…
VHF WRC-19: request to support 50MHz August 02, 2019 No comments As the run-up to WRC-19 gathers pace, the UK Six Metre Group has also written to Ofcom in support of…
Video:YouTube/M0OGY Another video from Dave showing the new President McKinley EU in action….My initial thoughts.. I think it’s sounding very good. Taking Dave’s local PLT…
A working prototype of OSCAR 1, Amateur Radio’s first satellite, will be on display at AMSAT’s Dayton Hamvention® booth. AMSAT’s exhibit will be in Building…
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