Tag: international

International Telecommunication Union Accepts EURAO as a Sector Member
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International Telecommunication Union Accepts EURAO as a Sector Member

The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) accepted the European Radio Amateurs’ Organization (EURAO) as a sector member at the recent meeting of the ITU Council. It…

International Space Station Contact 08/06/2019
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International Space Station Contact 08/06/2019

International Space Station Contact 08/06/2019 Nick Hague, KG5TMV talking to participants at House Of Children Youth, Olomouc, Czech Republic on Saturday 8th June 2019 at…

A.R.I. International DX Contest 2019
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A.R.I. International DX Contest 2019

1. The Associazione Radioamatori Italiani (A.R.I.) has the honour of inviting radio amateurs from all over the world to participate in the ARI International DX Contest. 2. Aim: It is…

International Marconi Day
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International Marconi Day

International Marconi Day celebrates the huge part Guglielmo Marconi played in the invention of radio. IMD is a 24 hour amateur radio event that is held…

International Marconi Day
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International Marconi Day

International Marconi Day celebrates the huge part Guglielmo Marconi played in the invention of radio. IMD is a 24 hour amateur radio event that is held…

World Amateur Radio Day 2019 Marks International Amateur Radio Union Founding
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World Amateur Radio Day 2019 Marks International Amateur Radio Union Founding

Thursday, April 18, is World Amateur Radio Day (WARD), this year marking the 94th anniversary of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU), founded in Paris…

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” The next big event will be the ARISS SSTV event that starts Thursday, April 11 about 18:00 UTC and will be operational until about…

Preliminary Results of the ARRL International DX Contest (CW) Now Available
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Preliminary Results of the ARRL International DX Contest (CW) Now Available

Sunset at the PJ2T station! Photo from Gene KB7Q ARRL Radiosport and Field Services Manager Bart Jahnke, W9JJ, has announced that through the yeoman efforts…

International Space Station Contact 02/02/2019
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International Space Station Contact 02/02/2019

A video of today’s contact between David St-Jacques, KG5FYI and a school in Portugal.

Upcoming International Space Station Contact
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Upcoming International Space Station Contact

Upcoming ARISS School contact! An ARISS educational radio contact is planned with Kenilworth School and Sixth Form, Kenilworth, United Kingdom, direct via GB4KHS. The ISS…

International Space Station Contact 10/12/2018
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International Space Station Contact 10/12/2018

A video of today’s Space Station contact as heard from the North East of England.

Ham Radio Contact With International Space Station NA1SS
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Ham Radio Contact With International Space Station NA1SS

International Space Station Equipment Xiegu G90 HF 20W SDR Transceiver November 28, 2018 in: Equipment No comments Xiegu G90 is a portable 20W HF amateur…

International Space Station School Contact 27/11/2018
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International Space Station School Contact 27/11/2018

A video from today’s ISS contact with Ecole Primaire Jean Jaurès et Arnaud, Troyes, France. The Space Station was at a very low angle here…

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“The Rebel DX Group is proud to welcome Ham Radio’s world-wide ambassador Martti Lane (OH2BH) onto the Rebel Team. Martti’s knowledge, presence and skillset have been well…

International HF Interference Complaint
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International HF Interference Complaint

In recent times a number of operators within and outside Australia have reported interference on 7190 kHz between 1500UTC and 1535UTC.  The source of this…

International Space Station School Contact 19/06/2018 (Yaesu FT-991)
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International Space Station School Contact 19/06/2018 (Yaesu FT-991)

Not the most successful contacts as the ISS appears to be having problems receiving the school, located in Serbia, but still great to hear the…

International Space Station SSTV Set to be Active June 6 – 7
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International Space Station SSTV Set to be Active June 6 – 7

The International Space Station (ISS) Amateur Radio Slow Scan Television (SSTV) system is expected to be active on 145.800 MHz FM on June 6 and…

ARISS-Russia International Space Station Slow-Scan Television (SSTV) Event Set
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ARISS-Russia International Space Station Slow-Scan Television (SSTV) Event Set

ARISS-Russia will mark Cosmonautics Day (International Day of Human Space Flight) with special SSTV transmissions from the International Space Station. Transmissions are to begin on…

International Radio Network, Inrico T320 IRN, Ham Radio Smartphone
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International Radio Network, Inrico T320 IRN, Ham Radio Smartphone

“What is the IRN? Have you heard of International Radio Network? Have you seen one of these devices? This is another method to accessing the…

Latest Z60A Operation from Kosovo to Include ARRL International DX Contest SSB
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Latest Z60A Operation from Kosovo to Include ARRL International DX Contest SSB

Fonte originale con articolo completo Articolo Latest Z60A Operation from Kosovo to Include ARRL International DX Contest SSB su Etere Blog | Radioamatori | Amateur…

Puerto Rico, US Virgin Island Amateurs are International Humanitarian Award Winners
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Puerto Rico, US Virgin Island Amateurs are International Humanitarian Award Winners

The ARRL Board of Directors has conferred the 2018 International Humanitarian Award jointly on the Amateur Radio population of Puerto Rico — served by ARRL Section Manager…

ARRL International Grid Chase Kicks Off with the New Year!
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ARRL International Grid Chase Kicks Off with the New Year!

Warm up the ham shack! The ARRL International Grid Chase 2018 is nearly here! The Grid Chase gets under way on January 1 UTC (New Year’s Eve in…

4Y1A International Civil Aviation ICAO. From DXNews.com
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4Y1A International Civil Aviation ICAO. From DXNews.com

Andy, RW3AH informs dxnews.com, that members of United Nations Amateur Radio DX Contest Club 4U1A will be active as 4Y1A, for International Civil Aviation Day.,…

5H3ARC Dar es Salaam Tanzania International Day of Persons with Disabilities. From DXNews.com
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5H3ARC Dar es Salaam Tanzania International Day of Persons with Disabilities. From DXNews.com

Radio Amateurs members of Tanzania Amateur Radio Club will be active from Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, as 5H3ARC for International Day of Persons with Disabilities.,…

IRN – International Radio Network
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IRN – International Radio Network

The IRN (International Radio Network) is a VoIP/RoIP system using Teamspeak 3 (TS3) that allows radio users to TX/RX using RF around the World using …