Field Day antenna length table, Troubleshooting Digital Modes, SvxLink official project page, WebSDR Siliguri India, DX Holiday in 5B, Morse News, CY9C St. Paul Island,
WSJTX-Controller-v2, A Practical Approach to Ham Radio Antennas, A Compact, DIY Multi-Band Antenna for HF Without an ATU, Worldwide List of HF Beacons, Data for…
Build Your Own Multiband Antenna (EFHW), HF antenna for hams with limited space, Hacking the Butternut HF2V, Greencube Terminal program, IFR Chart Symbols, ALFA ALFA…
Radio Reflection Detection website, Unlocking the 2-Meter Band: Essential Frequency Selection Tips for Amateur Radio Operators, 3D2CCC Log Online, Space Weather Woman, IZ0EVK Web Cluster,…
Vertical Windom Antenna Project, Building a 20W All-Band HF SDR with Softrock 6.3, Homebrew EFHW Antenna for Low Power HF (40/20/15/10m), PSKmail: Email and Internet…
Mini Whip – Active HF Antenna, Vertical Dipole Array for 20-17-15 Meters, RSP Spectrum Analyser, Automatic Roger Beep for VHF/UHF Contests, Double Tuned Receiver Band-pass…
Build a Simple VHF Dipole Antenna for 2 Meters: A Beginner’s Guide, Mastering HF Communication: Decoding Space Weather Data, Prevention and Suppression of RF Interference…
K6MM 160m Antenna Modifications, Versatile Field Radio Kit, Automatic Magnetic Antenna Tuner, Optimizing TX/RX Levels in WSJT-X, DIY Portable Car Whip Antenna, Hamstick Experimentation: A…
Magnetic Loop Antenna Builds and Autotuning Advancements, Hostilog, Evolution of Car Radios: From Marconi to Motorola, Mastering Magnetic Loop Antenna Control, DXTRON DX Cluster, W2LCW…
Telescopic Fiberglass Antenna Pole Support Method, Full size 80m End Fed Half Wave Antenna, 4m Tall Vertical Dipole for 20m , ShortwaveDB Map, MorsePractice, LogConv,…
The July issue of Digital QST is now available for viewing on your desktop or laptop. Click here to view the issue. It is also available for reading on…
The May/June digital edition of ARRL’s On the Air magazine is now available. Read it and other ARRL digital publications by browsing to the ARRL Magazines page. In this…
Ofcom’s spectrum assurance team recently solved a sky-high interference case that took more than a little detective work to crack. The team were contacted by…
The March issue of Digital QST is now available for viewing on your desktop or laptop. Click here to view the issue. It is also available for reading on…
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