Tag: memorial

Provisional results IARU R1 Marconi Memorial Contest 145 MHz
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Provisional results IARU R1 Marconi Memorial Contest 145 MHz

The provisional results for the last 2023 IARU R1 Marconi Memorial Contest 145 MHz held on November 4th/5th are available on the IARU Region 1 VHF…

Provisional results IARU R1 Marconi Memorial VHF Contest
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Provisional results IARU R1 Marconi Memorial VHF Contest

Provisional results for the last 2022 IARU R1 Marconi Memorial VHF Contest are available on IARU Region 1 VHF & Up Contest Robot. Here are…

JY1 Memorial Special Event Station
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JY1 Memorial Special Event Station

 Special Event Memorial Station To a Great King, and an Avid Amateur Radio Operator King Hussein Of The Hashemite Kingdom Of Jordan Starting today will…

IARU Region 1 Announces G2BVN Memorial Trophy Winners
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IARU Region 1 Announces G2BVN Memorial Trophy Winners

At the final plenary meeting of the IARU Region 1 Conference and Workshop, which closed 24th October 2021, Ole Garpestad, LA2RR and Hans Blondeel Timmerman,…

The VP2VB Danny Weil Memorial DXpedition is JIDXM 2020 DXpedition of the Year
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The VP2VB Danny Weil Memorial DXpedition is JIDXM 2020 DXpedition of the Year

The Japan International DX Meeting (JIDXM) has designated the 2020 VP2VB Danny Weil Memorial DXpedition as the recipient of the 2020 DXpedition of the Year…

Diploma “23° Volta International Memorial Day 2021”
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Diploma “23° Volta International Memorial Day 2021”

L’Associazione Radioamatori Italiani Sezione di Como con la collaborazione dell’Associazione Radioamatori Italiani Sezione di Cinisello Balsamo organizza il “23° Diploma Volta International Memorial Day 2021”…

ARRL to Award John Devoldere, ON4UN, Memorial Plaque for ARRL 160-Meter Contest
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ARRL to Award John Devoldere, ON4UN, Memorial Plaque for ARRL 160-Meter Contest

For the ARRL 160-Meter Contest taking place December 4 – 6 UTC, the ARRL Programs and Services Committee — on behalf of the ARRL Board of Directors…

Nomination Deadline Extended for Philip J. McGan Memorial Silver Antenna Award
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Nomination Deadline Extended for Philip J. McGan Memorial Silver Antenna Award

In light if the coronavirus pandemic, the ARRL Public Relations Committee has extended the nomination deadline for the Philip J. McGan Memorial Silver Antenna Award until Monday,…

1° Memorial Week I8CVS
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1° Memorial Week I8CVS

1° Memorial Week I8CVS
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1° Memorial Week I8CVS

2° Memorial HST Vito Vetrano IN3VST
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2° Memorial HST Vito Vetrano IN3VST

Il giorno 9 marzo in occasione della Fiera Radianistica Expò di Montichiari sarà aperto lo stand dell’Italian Telegraphy Club. Nell’occasione si svolgerà il 2° Memorial…

2018 ARRL Hiram Percy Maxim Memorial Award Presented in Festive Style
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2018 ARRL Hiram Percy Maxim Memorial Award Presented in Festive Style

The winner of the 2018 ARRL Hiram Percy Maxim Memorial Award, Ruth Willet, KM4LAO, received the award plaque and allotted $1,500 on November 3 in a…

Storm Takes Down Antennas at Memorial Ham Station on Swedish-Norwegian Border
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Storm Takes Down Antennas at Memorial Ham Station on Swedish-Norwegian Border

The SJ9WL-LG5LG Morokulien memorial station on the border of Sweden and Norway is off the air after a large tree, brought down during a severe storm on…

Ruth Willet, KM4LAO, is 2018 Hiram Percy Maxim Memorial Award Recipient
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Ruth Willet, KM4LAO, is 2018 Hiram Percy Maxim Memorial Award Recipient

Nineteen-year-old Ruth Willet, KM4LAO, of Cana, Virginia, was named as the recipient of the 2018 ARRL Hiram Percy Maxim Memorial Award by the ARRL Board…

Memorial per Vito a Montichiari
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Memorial per Vito a Montichiari

Si comunica che il giorno 10 Marzo in occasione della Fiera Radianistica Expò di Montichiari sarà aperto lo stand dell’Italian Telegraphy Club. Nell’occasione si svolgerà…

Nominations Sought for Philip J. McGan Memorial Silver Antenna Award
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Nominations Sought for Philip J. McGan Memorial Silver Antenna Award

Nominations are open for ARRL’s annual Philip J. McGan Memorial Silver Antenna Award, which recognizes and honors the efforts of individuals who create greater awareness…

Gus Browning Memorial DXpedition Offers Opportunity to Work Bhutan on Top Band
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Gus Browning Memorial DXpedition Offers Opportunity to Work Bhutan on Top Band

If you have not already worked Bhutan on 160 meters, the Gus Browning Memorial DXpedition starting this weekend (and again briefly later this month) may…