Tag: pioneer

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AMSAT Declares End of Mission for Pioneer AO-85 CubeSat

AMSAT reports that the pioneering AMSAT-OSCAR 85 (AO-85) CubeSat, also known as Fox-1A, has gone silent. “Having not been heard throughout the most recent period…

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Amateur Radio in Space Pioneer Astronaut Owen Garriott, W5LFL, SK

Owen Garriott The US astronaut who pioneered the use of Amateur Radio to make contacts from space — Owen K. Garriott, W5LFL — died April…

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PSoC 4 Pioneer Kit per applicazioni embedded

PSoC 4 Pioneer Kit è una piattaforma di sviluppo facile da usare e poco costosa, che consente di creare design per una vasta gamma di…

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Software Defined Radio (SDR) Pioneer Vanu Gopal Bose is Dead at 52

Software Defined Radio (SDR) pioneer Vanu Gopal Bose died on November 11 after suffering a sudden pulmonary embolism. He was 52. Bose was the son…