Xiegu X6100 is a revolutionary self-contained 10 watt HF and 6m SDR transceiver with a large color display, automatic antenna tuner and a built-in high capacity battery. Xiegu X6100 is an ultra-portable SDR transceiver (Software…
X6100 inherits the compact and high performance characteristics of the X series.As a new generation flagship ultra-portable transceiver, it still achieves a powerful integration to…
A nifty little portable SDR receiver. I still have lots to explore with it, but here’s an overview. 【Frequency Range】50 kHz~2.0GHz (Registered version 1.10a);【Demodulation Mode】AM,…
RFI NOISELOOP Portable Receive Antenna Antenna 14-28 MHz Log-periodic Antenna March 02, 2015 No comments Log-periodic Antenna See all details: Read more The New Carolina…
Portable Solar Power, Samlex Foldable Solar Panel, Off-Grid Emergency Electricity The Samlex 135 watt portable solar panel with included charge controller will provide plenty of…
The CHA MPAS LITE is the little brother of the CHA MPAS 2.0 – the most popular Modular Portable Antenna System in the WORLD! The Modular Portable Antenna System (MPAS) is a concept allowing…
Antenna SteppIR UrbanBeam, “Step by Step” Assembly and Installation October 03, 2018 No comments SteppIR Antenna This video shows the SteppIR UrbanBeam’s step-by-step assembly and…
Antenna The Air Jupiter End Fed Co-Linear Antenna February 29, 2020 No comments launching today The Air Jupiter End Fed Co-Linear Antenna! Here’s a video,…
News FCC is crystal clear: Remote ham radio licensing exams are absolutely permitted April 30, 2020 No comments In the wake of the Coronavirus pandemic,…
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