So the long awaited and much rumoured President McKinley EU has officially been announced by President. Just as we all thought that President had forgotten…
President BILL FCC – CB Radio TEST RESULT CERTIFICATION Applicant: President Electronics USA 1007 Collier Center Way, Naples, Florida 34110, USA Manufacturer: GROUPE PRESIDENT ELECTRONICS…
A couple of short videos showing the President Bill CB radio in action…. Video:YouTube/ARTERO Statii Radio CB The President Bill is available now, priced at…
Alan Johnston, KU2Y, will become AMSAT’s Vice-President, Educational Relations, AMSAT President, Joe Spier, K6WAO, has announced. “The subject of educational outreach is critical for the…
Wednesday, April 18, is World Amateur Radio Day (WARD), this year marking the 93rd anniversary of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU), founded in Paris…
Lawrence S. Bacow, KA1FZQ, of Brookline, Massachusetts, has been selected to become the 29th president of Harvard University, the home of W1AF. Selected from among…
Incumbent ARRL President Rick Roderick, K5UR, has been re-elected by the League’s Board of Directors for a second term. The Board convened for its Annual…
Vice President Mike Pence visited radio amateurs and emergency responders at the Puerto Rico Emergency Operations Center (PREOC) in San Juan’s Convention Center on the…
The 24th General Conference of International Amateur Radio Union Region 1 (IARU-R1) convened September 17 – 23 in Landshut, Germany, with representatives of 40 member-societies…
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