Tag: radio

Best DMR Handheld Ham Radio for 2021 | Top 10 DMR HT Radios
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Best DMR Handheld Ham Radio for 2021 | Top 10 DMR HT Radios

What is the best DMR Handheld Ham Radio you can get in 2021, and why? Today I take you through my Top 10 choices for…

Anytone AT-779 70MHz Amateur Radio Review
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Anytone AT-779 70MHz Amateur Radio Review

Video:YouTube/M0OGY Dave, M0OGY takes a look at the Anytone AT-779 and makes a few contacts on the 4m band…

Quirky APRS, HG-UV98 Lanch NLH Ham Radio Handheld Review
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Quirky APRS, HG-UV98 Lanch NLH Ham Radio Handheld Review

“Chinese radios have come a long way, many have impressive feature lists, but those features seem to be stuck behind programming or poorly implemented design….

United States gets FM CB Radio (After 63 Years!)
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United States gets FM CB Radio (After 63 Years!)

  It’s only taken 63 years but it looks like Frequency Modulation is coming the USA! Currently AM and SSB modes are legal on the…

Massachusetts Court Okays Amateur Radio Tower, Citing Board of Appeals’ Error
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Massachusetts Court Okays Amateur Radio Tower, Citing Board of Appeals’ Error

A judge in the Massachusetts Land Court has ruled that the Zoning Board of Appeals in the City of Framingham “erred” in revoking a building…

Volunteer radio operators to the rescue in Belgian floods
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Volunteer radio operators to the rescue in Belgian floods

July 2021: Brabant Wallon’s Emergency Radio Network volunteers stepped in when the Police building in Wavre, Belgium – including its Tetra antenna and computers –…

FCC Investigating Whether Cuban Government Is Jamming HAM Radio
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FCC Investigating Whether Cuban Government Is Jamming HAM Radio

by Matthew Gault The federal government is investigating mysterious signals coming from Havana that are jamming popular frequencies. HAM radio operators in Florida have said…

Icom ID-52 First Look! – New Icom Handheld Ham Radio | DSTAR
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Icom ID-52 First Look! – New Icom Handheld Ham Radio | DSTAR

Look what arrived at my mailbox! This is the Icom ID-52E, the newest Handheld Ham Radio from Icom, which includes DSTAR. Let’s take a look…

Amateur Radio Responds to Flooding in Western Europe
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Amateur Radio Responds to Flooding in Western Europe

International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) Region 1 Emergency Communications Coordinator Greg Mossop, G0DUB, reported over the weekend that amateur radio volunteers have responded in the…

Radioddity REVEALS DB25-D Mini Mobile DMR Radio | First Look!
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Radioddity REVEALS DB25-D Mini Mobile DMR Radio | First Look!

Radioddity has a new Mini Mobile DMR Radio about to be released which they are calling the DB-25-D. This is a small dual band DMR…

Radio Wave Properties: Electric and Magnetic Dipole Antennae
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Radio Wave Properties: Electric and Magnetic Dipole Antennae

“An HP model 3200B VHF Oscillator and ENI model 5100-L NMR RF Broadband Power Amplifier provide a 300 MHz signal to a half-wave dipole antenna….

Is That Cuban Radio Jammers On 40 Meters Ham Radio?
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Is That Cuban Radio Jammers On 40 Meters Ham Radio?

“For almost a week straight there has been an abundance of what looks like intentional radio interference on 40 meters HF ham radio. Is this…

Cuba Is Jamming Ham Radio Frequencies!
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Cuba Is Jamming Ham Radio Frequencies!

“My good friend Alex, W7HU has uncovered that Cuba is jamming ham radio frequencies to stop communication in and out of Cuba. If you’re unaware,…

HamBuilder HBR4HFS 4-Band HF Ham Radio Test and Review
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HamBuilder HBR4HFS 4-Band HF Ham Radio Test and Review

“This video took me a few months to put together while testing it in different environments and locations. Today we are looking at the HamBuilder…

ICOM IC 7300 Ham Radio Go Box, It’s Final Form?
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ICOM IC 7300 Ham Radio Go Box, It’s Final Form?

“The go box is portable operation ready. How did I do on the wire mangement? What is its final config? Check it out and tell…

CB Radio Anniversary – Kent On The Air
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CB Radio Anniversary – Kent On The Air

Video:YouTube/British CB Radio Highlights from a special activation celebrating 7 years of legal AM and SSB from the Kent On The Air team….   

Best Ham Radio HF Antenna on eBay
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Best Ham Radio HF Antenna on eBay

What is the Best Ham Radio Antenna you can get on eBay? Antenna MFJ-226 1-230 MHZ ANTENNA EXPECT TIMES GRAPHIC ANALYZER April 02, 2015 No…

Spain’s URE makes amateur radio magazine archive available
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Spain’s URE makes amateur radio magazine archive available

Spain’s URE makes amateur radio magazine archive availableSpain’s national amateur radio society URE has digitized their old magazines from 1949 to 2020 and made the PDF’s available…

CB Radio Anniversary Events TODAY!
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CB Radio Anniversary Events TODAY!

  There should be plenty of activity on the CB today as the stations throughout the UK celebrate the 7th Anniversary of the legalisation of AM…

Safety for ARRL ham radio Field Day 2021
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Safety for ARRL ham radio Field Day 2021

“Today we talk about Field Day safety, going through the ARRL field day safety checklist” Antenna Easily Check Your Antennas Tuning – VNA N1201SA /…

In recognition of Amateur Radio Operators [ VIDEO ]
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In recognition of Amateur Radio Operators [ VIDEO ]

In recognition of Amateur Radio Operators Antenna QST Announces 2017 Antenna Design Competition Winners September 13, 2017 No comments QST has announced the winners of its…

Setup & Tune Shark Ham Sticks on The Chameleon Spider and Quad Dipole Ham Radio Antenna
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Setup & Tune Shark Ham Sticks on The Chameleon Spider and Quad Dipole Ham Radio Antenna

Pairing the Chameleon Spider or Quad with Shark Ham Sticks is a great way to get a simple multiple band antenna on the air Antenna…

La radio, una rete sociale al femminile in Cile
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La radio, una rete sociale al femminile in Cile

In un angolo del Cile, Leticia San Martín Corrial accende la sua radio per potersi mettere in contatto con il mondo intero. Si connette a una frequenza…

Ham Radio and Linux – Using QSSTV to decode from captured audio files
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Ham Radio and Linux – Using QSSTV to decode from captured audio files

“June 22nd 2021, I.S.S. is transmitting SSTV through the 26th. Using the method from the previous video to automatically capture every pass, I show how…

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X6100 is an ultra-portable shortwave transceiver. It adopts the SDR software radio platform architecture of excellent performance, which carries powerful baseband and RF unit, integrating…