Tag: radio

RigExpert AA-2000 | Best Ham Radio Antenna Analyzer?
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RigExpert AA-2000 | Best Ham Radio Antenna Analyzer?

“Today I get to tell you about the AA-2000 Antenna Analyzer from RigExpert in the Ukraine. This is the Best Ham Radio Antenna Analyzer that…

My Ham Radio Go Box Wiring And Setup
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My Ham Radio Go Box Wiring And Setup

“Today I’m putting together my ham radio go box. It featutes an ICOM IC-7300 and Alinco DR-135. The box also includes a West Mountain Radio…

Baofeng UV-10R Dual Band HT Ham Radio – First Look!
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Baofeng UV-10R Dual Band HT Ham Radio – First Look!

Today I go over the features and do some power testing on the Baofeng UV-10R Dual Band HT Ham Radio Specification: Brand Baofeng Power 10W…

Where to Tap the Icom 7300 for your SDR Radio
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Where to Tap the Icom 7300 for your SDR Radio

Bill Whittaker, KO4IOE, asks where, when, and how Dave tapped his Icom 7300 to his SDR Radio, and how he should tap his. Antenna Cushcraft…

Radioddity GM-30 GMRS HT Walkie Talkie | Best GMRS Handheld Radio?
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Radioddity GM-30 GMRS HT Walkie Talkie | Best GMRS Handheld Radio?

Radioddity has a new GMRS HT Walkie Talkie and today we’re going to take a look at what comes in the box and the menu…

Radio Amateurs of Canada Invites Participation in the RAC Canada Day Contest
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Radio Amateurs of Canada Invites Participation in the RAC Canada Day Contest

Here’s a chance to enjoy an operating event that is not on a weekend. Help Canada celebrate its birthday on the air during the RAC Canada Day Contest on…

Monitoring HF Aviation Voice Communications with your SDR Radio or a WebSDR
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Monitoring HF Aviation Voice Communications with your SDR Radio or a WebSDR

There is still plenty of activity on the HF Aeronautical bands. You can listen to civil and military aircraft every day with just some frugal…

Radio Amateur’s Vintage Home Movie Film Sheds Light on Hindenburg Disaster
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Radio Amateur’s Vintage Home Movie Film Sheds Light on Hindenburg Disaster

Vintage home movie film provided by New Jersey radio amateur Bob Schenck, N2OO, was the highlight of a PBS documentary about the Hindenburg disaster. The film, shot…

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The Radioddity QR20 is an ultra-portable full-frequency full-mode SDR radio with a reception from 100kHz to 2GHz and transmit from 160m to 70cm. The operation…

Amateur Radio Gearing Up for Another Active Atlantic Hurricane Season
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Amateur Radio Gearing Up for Another Active Atlantic Hurricane Season

The Atlantic Hurricane Season, which starts on June 1, promises to be a busy time for radio amateurs who volunteer on the Hurricane Watch Net…

Is Ham Radio Dead? Is Ham Radio Doomed?
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Is Ham Radio Dead? Is Ham Radio Doomed?

“Lots of speculation and knee-jerk reactions exist on social media about whether or not Ham Radio is Dead. I wonder what the statistics say? Let’s…

My Favorite Mobile Ham Radio Setup VHF/UHF/HF
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My Favorite Mobile Ham Radio Setup VHF/UHF/HF

This rig is a few years in the making. Running a Yaesu FT-891 and FTM-400 lets me cover VHF/UHF and 6 through 40 meters on…

Receiving NOAA weather sats without a radio
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Receiving NOAA weather sats without a radio

Using just a browser and a decode program, NOAA-APT, I receive images from a weather satellite as it passes over Europe. Antenna Wideband Antennas for…

Amateur Radio Operators are still in high demand
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Amateur Radio Operators are still in high demand

Amateur radio operators are still in high demand Antenna R7AB’s 12 el 14 Mhz band yagi. Boom lenght 40m. Selfsupported tower 42 m high November…

UK CB Radio Anniversary 27th June 2021
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UK CB Radio Anniversary 27th June 2021

  It’s almost that time of year again… On 27th June 2021 we will celebrate the 7th anniversary of the legalisation of AM and SSB…

CB Radio Skip – Channel 38 14/05/2021
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CB Radio Skip – Channel 38 14/05/2021

Some truly amazing conditions on the CB band with every channel full of stations coming in from around the UK and beyond. Here’s a sample…

The last Morse code maritime radio station in North America | Bartell’s Backroads
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The last Morse code maritime radio station in North America | Bartell’s Backroads

1999 marked the last time a commercial Morse code message was supposedly transmitted to ships at sea. However, if you travel on the backroads to…

60 Meters Again Available to New Zealand Radio Amateurs
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60 Meters Again Available to New Zealand Radio Amateurs

The New Zealand Association of Radio Transmitters (NZART) announced recently that negotiations with regulator RSM were successful in accommodating 60-meter operation for New Zealand radio…

Tri-band 6 element HF Upper Bands and CB Radio Yagi Antenna 3B-222
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Tri-band 6 element HF Upper Bands and CB Radio Yagi Antenna 3B-222

HF 3-Band antenna 3B-222 for 20m, 15m and 10m that covers also 11m CB through the power of full 3-D optimization! Perfect optimized tri-bander with…

Radio Set up on a Pickup Truck
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Radio Set up on a Pickup Truck

James Hollen, D25Y31, has a radio and antenna set up in the bed of his pickup truck and wants to know if his truck will…

TN07 SFP-102 32′ Flagpole HF Ham Radio Antenna for POTA
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TN07 SFP-102 32′ Flagpole HF Ham Radio Antenna for POTA

“One of the Ham Radio Antennas that I have used most often for POTA – Parks on the Air – is the TN07 SFP-102 32′…

CB Radio Skip 08/05/2021 (President McKinley EU)
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CB Radio Skip 08/05/2021 (President McKinley EU)

Some good short skip conditions today… It was a bit mad on UK Channel 19!

Ultimate Motorcycling’s Ham on a Hog 3 Review of the Icom IC-705 Amateur Radio Transceiver and more
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Ultimate Motorcycling’s Ham on a Hog 3 Review of the Icom IC-705 Amateur Radio Transceiver and more

“We take Icom’s IC-705 transceiver on a ride with the Harley-Davidson Road King Limited and review it along with Icom’s AL-705 Magnetic Loop antenna and…

Members of the Potomac Valley Radio Club to Activate NSS for Armed Forces Day
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Members of the Potomac Valley Radio Club to Activate NSS for Armed Forces Day

Members of the Potomac Valley Radio Club (PVRC) will activate the historic NSS call sign on Saturday, May 8, during the 2021 Armed Forces Day Cross-Band…

Amateur Radio Credited with Rescue of Back-Country Hiker in Tennessee
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Amateur Radio Credited with Rescue of Back-Country Hiker in Tennessee

A back-country hiker was rescued from Great Smoky Mountains National Park with assistance from amateur radio after she became exhausted on the trail and possibly…