Ham Radio in Friedrichshafen, Germany, was canceled last year because of the pandemic. Organizers for Europe’s International Amateur Radio Exhibition this week expressed optimism that the…
As reported on Spaceweather.com, Canadian radio amateur Scott Tilley, VE7TIL, has snagged another signal from deep space. His latest conquest has been to copy the signal…
Amateur radio has a golden opportunity to enhance lives in remote and disadvantaged places., Hams With Hearts – Helping Humanity Through Ham Radio. From DXNews.com,…
Hello Operators Todays discussion, operating a portable ham radio station off grid, during winter field day 2021. Like many other ham radio operators, I operated…
Well known and respected CB Radio operator Steve Stevens has recently started doing some live broadcasts on YouTube on Wednesday and Sunday evenings where he…
Video:YouTube/cbradiomagazine An in-depth look at the President Richard 10/11m radio including the export mod and engineering menu… – Rotary switch channel selector– Volume adjustment and…
The article “Ham Radio Forms a Planet-Sized Space Weather Sensor Network,” appeared on February 9 in Eos, Earth & Space Science News — an American Geophysical Union (AGU) publication….
Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) is seeking formal and informal educational institutions and organizations, individually or working together, to host amateur radio…
Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) and its partners are troubleshooting a failure within the on-board NA1SS amateur station in the ISS Columbus module. The…
SuitSat loses its innocence in a new video short sci-fi thriller Decommissioned. “Inspired by true events,” the video short resurrects the 2006 spacesuit/satellite that transmitted messages on 2…
A derecho with winds of 80 to 100 MPH struck eastern Iowa last August, disrupting power and telecommunications for some 400,000 residents. But, as ARRL member…
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