Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) will continue its year-long 20th anniversary celebration of continuous ham radio operation from the ISS this month,…
The third edition of Storm Spotting and Amateur Radio is now available from ARRL. Storm spotting gives radio amateurs another way to offer a public service by…
Read this BEFORE you download and install this software. Keys formatted like “ASDF-QWER-ZXCV-ASDF” will NOT work. That software license server was replaced in July 2019….
NanoVNA SAA2 Version 2 Vector Network Analyzer – Ham Radio Antenna Analyzer Antenna Momobeam MB17 10/15/20/40 m – Yagi Antenna January 05, 2017 No comments…
Tips on Operating Linear Amateur Radio Satellites (Part 2) Antenna Resonant Antennas, HF Mobile, MFJ-1668 Screwdriver January 29, 2019 No comments HF Mobile Antenna Covers…
Best Black Friday Deals for 2020 for HAM RADIO Antenna A Dualband 50/70MHz Yagi with single feedpoint – 5/7 (12) element 144/70MHz Yagi (2.4m) January…
US Representative Debbie Lesko of Arizona has introduced a resolution designating April 18, 2021, as National Amateur Radio Operators Day, to recognize the important contributions of amateur…
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