High Gain Simple Beam Antenna For 2 Meter, Dual-Tuned Bandpass Filters for Amateur Receivers, Optimizing Vertical Antennas: Understanding Radiation Angles, Understanding Solar Activity and Its…
Radio Wave Properties: Electric and Magnetic Dipole Antenna – Video, Radiosonde Tracker, Ham Radio Bandplan for SDR SHARP, 1:49 Transformer for EFHW Dipole Antenna, Upgrade…
Maritime Radio Room Clock, WeatherFax Stations, LoRA Experiments, Morsle, LC Resonant Frequency Calculator, Weather Fax plugin for OpenCPN, How to renew your FCC Licence,
How To Build a Rotator Controller with a Computer Interface , G6HKS Yagi Kits & Parts, Impedance Calculators Online, Building a 4-Element Yagi Antenna for…
Calling all Free and Open-Source Radio Enthusiasts! Wondering what Amateur Radio and Software-Defined Radio are all about? We’ve got you covered with a clear introduction…
Lightning Protection of an Amateur Radio Station, N5J Online Log, Make your own propagation forecast with W6EL , Hams.At Upcoming Satellite Passes and Activations, iCWoIP…
How does an Antenna work? – Video, The Effectiveness of Ferrites – Video, How-To Easily Measure Unwanted RF, GNU Radio Beginners Tutorials, Diplomatic Stations Schedules…
Alen Ruvic E71AR,Emergency Communications Co-Ordinator for Bosnia reports amateur radio is active in responding to severe flooding and landslides which have struck his country on…
Wick High School Radio Club, which operates as GM0WHS, has started the new school term with great success. The group recently organised a “collecting time…
In August 2024, three generations of the Wilson family became licensed radio amateurs, after they all took their Foundation exams within two days of one…
Constructing a Lindenblad Antenna for Receiving Weather Satellite Signals, Buying an HF High Power Amplifier, NDBs Received Worldwide, Station QRP Handcrafted tube transmitters, Obtaining a…
A partire dal 1° ottobre saranno presenti sulle bande radioamatoriali HF diverse stazioni commemorative delle Sezioni ARI con Nominativo Speciale. Per scaricare il regolamento in…
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