The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) has published the 2020 ITU Radio Regulations — the international treaty governing the global use of RF spectrum and satellite orbits. The publication…
Video:YouTube/Mower Junkie There can’t be many CB radio shops left these days but here’s a fine example! Some serious wallet damaging gear to be had…..
Military Auxiliary Radio System (MARS) volunteers will take part in the Department of Defense (DOD) Communications Exercise 20-4, starting on October 3 and concluding on…
Abbiamo introdotto il paradigma Software Defined Radio, evidenziandone i vantaggi rispetto ai classici approcci hardware-based, come maggiore adattabilità, costi ridotti e scalabilità. Abbiamo anche accennato…
Xiegu G90 HF Ham Radio Go Box/Solar Generator Antenna Successful Wire Antennas November 09, 2015 No comments Successful Wire Antennas Edited by Ian Poole, G3YWX…
The Brazilian National Telecommunications Agency (ANATEL) has proposed to end amateur radio certificate exams for all classes, replacing the current system with free access to the initial…
Nigel Vander Houwen, K7NVH, reported on September 8 that some HamWAN users in the Puget Sound region of Washington who were viewing the network’s camera feeds, spotted…
Work mode: FM Uplink frequency: 145.990 MHz with TON: 67 Hz [CTCSS] Downlink frequency: 437.800 MHzThe #ARISS team is pleased to announce that the setting…
The Ohio State University Radio Observatory was operated on the grounds of Ohio Wesleyan Univerity’s The Perkins Observatory in Delaware Ohio from 1963 to 1998. The radio observatory…
Charly25 SDR Radio Check out our final shortwave (160m – 6m) #Charly25 transceiver with its latest upgrade – the frontpanel.This self developed #SDR device with all its features will…
Christophe Mercier reports three satellites with amateur radio payloads will be on the Vega VV16 launch expected to take place in the early hours of September…
As popular as the venerable Yaesu FT-817 transceiver might be with amateur radio operators, it’s not without its flaws, particularly in the user interface department….
On Wednesday, the FCC released a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) in MD Docket 20-270 which implements portions of the Repack Airwaves Yielding Better Access for Users of…
Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES®) teams along the Gulf Coast were ready to assist as needed after Hurricane Laura made landfall as a powerful and…
Hurricane Laura Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES®) teams along the Gulf Coast have plans in place to deal with Hurricane Laura, now expected to make…
Antenna SteppIR UrbanBeam, “Step by Step” Assembly and Installation October 03, 2018 No comments SteppIR Antenna This video shows the SteppIR UrbanBeam’s step-by-step assembly and…
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