Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) is once again seeking formal and informal education institutions and organizations — individually or working together —…
The Belka-DSP radio receiver is designed to receive radio stations with amplitude, frequency and single-band modulation, as well as telegraph signals at short waves in…
In Puerto Rico, Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) volunteers continue to operate from the American Red Cross distribution center in Yauco — one of the…
Puerto Rico Section Manager Oscar Resto, KP4RF, reports that several Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) volunteers have been deployed to earthquake-ravaged regions of the island…
Icom has introduced a mobile mount for the IC-SAT100 Satellite PTT Radio. The new solution comprises of a heavy-duty BC-247 cradle, an HM-222 fist mic…
Dopo gli eventi organizzati nelle sedi di Firenze, Bologna, Palermo, Torino e Bari, il 17 Gennaio 2020 l’Auditorium Radiofonico M della sede Rai di Milano…
Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) reports that its first Interoperable Radio System (IORS) flight unit — serial number 1001 — has been…
Vero VR N7500 Tech Specs UHF 40W,VHF 50W 136-174&400-470Mhz Multiple Bluetooth connections Full-featured APP settings Global Walkie Talkie With No Monthly Fee(the Function Android Only) Cross…
In 2017, Category 4 Hurricane Harvey left the region of Texas where Assistant Scoutmaster Scott deMasi, KC5NKW, lived under water. With roads flooded, bridges washed…
Antenna 6M-F Magnetic Loop December 28, 2019 No comments A 50~54 mHz high performance, CNC manufactured, all aluminum magnetic loop antenna. At only 18 inches,…
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