Thanks to Christian from on-radio-shop who kindly supplied the export mod for the Radioddity CB-500 and Anytone AT-500 II CB radios. Click images to enlarge:
Video:YouTube/Mower Junkie A look at the new Radioddity CB-500 CB Radio…. SpecificationsGENERAL:Modulation Mode: AM/FMFrequency Range: 26.565-27.99125MHzFrequency Tolerance: ± 5.0ppmInput Voltage: 12/24VDimensions: 185 x 124 x…
Radioddity GD-88 The GD-88 contains two independent VFOs that allow dual-band operation on VHF and UHF channels. With dual mode, the GD-88 allows a smooth…
Review for the Radioddity GD-AT10G! Radioddity GD-AT10G 10W DMR Radio Featuring 10W high power output, powerful 3100mAh battery, GPS & APRS functionality, supporting both analog…
Dave has recently been sent a handheld radio from Radioddity. Let the unboxing begin! 10W/5W/2.5W/1W Selectable: The Radioddity GD-AT10G is a powerful handheld radio with a…
10W/5W/2.5W/1W Selectable: The Radioddity GD-AT10G is a powerful handheld radio with a compact design, featuring selectable output power of 10W/5W/2.5W/1W and plenty of room for up…
The Radioddity QR20 is an ultra-portable full-frequency full-mode SDR radio with a reception from 100kHz to 2GHz and transmit from 160m to 70cm. The operation…
Radioddity Raddy RW3 Go-Kit-Type Radio AM/FM/WX, Phone Charger and More [Small Size But All-Purpose] Unlike other FM/AM/NOAA radios, the RW3 is a Bluetooth speaker with…
Professional VHF UHF Radio: Dual band, dual watch, dual standby, up to 128 channels. Equipped with an 8.9-inch long antenna, this solid 5W radio can reach…
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