This is a high performance Antenna Analyser, designed particularly for ham radio. The Japanese quality shows through. We will have it back in stock shortly….
“We take Icom’s IC-705 transceiver on a ride with the Harley-Davidson Road King Limited and review it along with Icom’s AL-705 Magnetic Loop antenna and…
More than one Oggie has suggested I review the Bilal Isotron 20m Single Band Antenna Solve Virtually Any Restricted Space Problem – 40 Meter Isotron only 22…
Automatic antenna tuner specifically designed for IC-705 Antenna 80 Meter Shortened Inverted-L Bazooka Antenna October 05, 2015 No comments Bazooka Antenna A DOUBLE BAZOOKA antenna…
Review of MFJ-8504B RF Receiver Distribution Amplifier Antenna Ham College 24 : Antennas and more questions from the Technician pool December 25, 2016 No comments…
Antenna Analyzer Antenna VK5SFA Wins the April QST Cover Plaque Award April 09, 2019 No comments The winning article for the April 2019 QST Cover Plaque award…
Because frequency allocations and amateur radio operating interests vary in different parts of the world, the development of band plans – voluntary guidelines on the…
Review Radioddity GA-510 10-Watt Handheld Review January 24, 2020 No comments ➤ UP TO 8 MILES RANGE: A further and more impressive communication range comes…
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