Tag: software

Anytone AT-Firmware Update + PC Alignment Software
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Anytone AT-Firmware Update + PC Alignment Software

  Now available on the Anytone website are the very latest firmware update and PC alignment files. I suggest that you read the instructions carefully…

Anytone AT-6666 PRO Programming Software
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Anytone AT-6666 PRO Programming Software

  A quick look at the programming software for the new Anytone AT-6666 PRO (Click images to enlarge) The supplied microphone has a programmable function…

Software VHF e superiori
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Software VHF e superiori

Airscout Descrizione Predizione airscatter Autore Frank, DL2ALF Distribuzione Free Sistema operativo Windows Download airscout.eu Virgo Descrizione Propagazione meteor scatter Autore Bastian, DB1BM e Alexander, DL8AAU…

CRT SS8900 Programming Software
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CRT SS8900 Programming Software

  A quick look at the programming software for the new CRT SS8900 radio, which can be downloaded from Knights Electrocom: LINK (Click to enlarge…

RX888 MK2 16BIT Software Defined Radio
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RX888 MK2 16BIT Software Defined Radio

Here we take a look at the RX888 Mk2 SDR Receiver which has a whopping 64 MHz real time bandwidth on HF! RX-888 MKII SDR…

Updates for Icom IC-7100, IC-9100 and IC-R8600 Cloning/Programming Software
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Updates for Icom IC-7100, IC-9100 and IC-R8600 Cloning/Programming Software

Icom has released cloning/programming software updates for the IC-7100, IC-9100 HF/VHF/UHF Amateur radio transceivers and the IC-R8600 Wideband Communications SDR Receiver. The new updates ensure…

LimeSDR Mini 2.0 – An open, full-duplex, USB stick software defined radio
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LimeSDR Mini 2.0 – An open, full-duplex, USB stick software defined radio

LimeSDR Mini 2.0 is an upgraded, drop-in replacement for LimeSDR Mini, a hardware platform for developing and prototyping high-performance and logic-intensive digital and RF designs that…

LoRaWAN Gateway: il software
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LoRaWAN Gateway: il software

Esistono vari modelli di hardware per un gateway LoRaWAN, molti si basano sul chip SX1301 di Semtech. Il software è delegato a ‘pilotare’ chip attraverso…

10 Common Mistakes Made With Software Defined Radio
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10 Common Mistakes Made With Software Defined Radio

If you’re a new comer to the SDR or SWL hobby then here’s 10 things which will help get you started and choose the right…

New Icom Amateur Radio USB Driver and Control Software Updates
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New Icom Amateur Radio USB Driver and Control Software Updates

Over the Christmas and New Year Holiday, Icom released updates that will provide improvements to the IC-705/ID-52E USB driver and RS-BA1 Version 2 and RS-8600…

Strumenti di misura Software
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Strumenti di misura Software

Benvenuti a un nuovo appuntamento con la Rubrica Firmware Reload di Elettronica Open Source. In questa Rubrica del blog EOS abbiamo raccolto gli articoli tecnici…

SDRangel – TX & RX Software Defined Radio
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SDRangel – TX & RX Software Defined Radio

An overview of some of the features in SDRangel, an open-source TX & RX SDR (Software Defined Radio) application. Home Antenna Another Difficult Antenna Situation…

ST-4003W Time Adjustment Software For Selected Icom Amateur Radios
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ST-4003W Time Adjustment Software For Selected Icom Amateur Radios

The ST-4003W is a Windows based software, which allows you to set the radio’s time from your PC’s time by connecting your radio to a…

Scrivere un software di qualità con le giuste regole
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Scrivere un software di qualità con le giuste regole

Lo sviluppo software e firmware ha assunto negli ultimi anni un ruolo sempre più critico e delicato nella realizzazione dei nuovi prodotti tecnologicamente avanzati. Ciò…

Choosing a “Step Up” Software Defined Radio (SDR)
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Choosing a “Step Up” Software Defined Radio (SDR)

We talk about the benefits of step up SDRs, and look at 4 models under $200. Antenna 100 ft Tilting Tower January 11, 2021 No…

The Software Defined Radio Toolbox
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The Software Defined Radio Toolbox

DRAGON OS FOCAL – The Software Defined Radio Toolbox Antenna Low Cost Magnetic Loop Antenna For 10-12 Meters May 09, 2016 No comments “I decided…

Nuove soluzioni di sensori-software con NI e Omega
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Nuove soluzioni di sensori-software con NI e Omega

Farnell, unità commerciale del gruppo Avnet e distributore globale di componenti elettronici, prodotti e soluzioni, ha introdotto sul mercato nuove soluzioni basate sulla configurazione con…

What Ham Radio Programming Software Should You use?
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What Ham Radio Programming Software Should You use?

“I’m taking a 10,000 FT look at three types of ham radio programing software. There’s so much to unpack here that a quick overview is…

TIDRADIO BL-1 Bluetooth Baofeng Programmer – Flawed Execution, Poor Software
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TIDRADIO BL-1 Bluetooth Baofeng Programmer – Flawed Execution, Poor Software

“The TIDRADIO bluetooth programmer application is one of the worst aplications I have had to deal with in ham radio. Its odd and makes no…

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In this video we take a look at a new and upcoming SDR Application called SDR ++ Wide hardware support (both through SoapySDR and dedicated…

Ham Radio Deluxe Software Overview
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Ham Radio Deluxe Software Overview

This is an updated overview video that describes the overall features of the Ham Radio Deluxe Software suite. Ham Radio Deluxe Guides and Manuals “We…

SDR++, The bloat-free SDR software | A Hands on Overview
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SDR++, The bloat-free SDR software | A Hands on Overview

SDR++, The bloat-free SDR software Antenna ANTENNA CAROLINA WINDOM ® 160 October 15, 2015 No comments Specifications Frequency Coverage 160 – 6 meters + 30,…

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“ On January 1, 2022 I will be retiring. I’ll be nearly 76 and want to spend more time at other things. EZNEC is and…

R&S®M3SR Series4100 Software Defined Radios
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R&S®M3SR Series4100 Software Defined Radios

Key facts Frequency range: 1.5 MHz to 30 MHz (transmission), 10 kHz to 30 MHz (reception) Power classes of 150 W, 500 W, 1000 W and standalone receiver LINK‑11, LINK‑22, LINK‑Y support…

Automazione misure e acquisizione dati: il software LabView
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Automazione misure e acquisizione dati: il software LabView

Già da qualche tempo si è reso necessario organizzare il più possibile il lavoro in modalità smart working; al di là dei problemi legati al…