Tag: software

Portable RTL – SDR Software Defined Radio with Android
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Portable RTL – SDR Software Defined Radio with Android

Portable RTL – SDR Software Defined Radio with Android Antenna Which connector for my antenna should I get? SO-239 or N Female September 03, 2017…

Realizziamo un software per Raspberry che calcola il proprio bioritmo
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Realizziamo un software per Raspberry che calcola il proprio bioritmo

I bioritmi si basano su fattori ciclici dell’uomo. Essi si collocano tra la scienza e la fantasia umana, tuttavia, sono moltissime le persone che si…

AIRSPY – SDR Software Download Update
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AIRSPY – SDR Software Download Update

Windows SDR Software Package (Change log)This package contains:SDR# (SDRSharp) x86 revision 1756 2991c02 (2020-09-23) – The best free SDR software for Airspy and RTL-SDR dongles!Airspy R2/Mini Calibration…

Sperimentiamo con il Software Defined Radio e GNU Radio
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Sperimentiamo con il Software Defined Radio e GNU Radio

Abbiamo introdotto il paradigma Software Defined Radio, evidenziandone i vantaggi rispetto ai classici approcci hardware-based, come maggiore adattabilità, costi ridotti e scalabilità. Abbiamo anche accennato…

2020 SDR Guide Ep 1 : The Incredible World of Software Defined Radio (RTL-SDR, Airspy, SDRPlay etc.)
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2020 SDR Guide Ep 1 : The Incredible World of Software Defined Radio (RTL-SDR, Airspy, SDRPlay etc.)

Equipment Andromeda 100W Transceiver -Apache Labs July 05, 2020 No comments Sneak peek at the Andromeda 100W Transceiver…… 10th GEN Intel 6 Core i7, 7…

TOP 5 Software Defined Radio Receivers
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TOP 5 Software Defined Radio Receivers

App – Mobile EchoHam version v2.10 has been released June 23, 2020 No comments EchoHam allows Amateur Radio operators to use the Echolink network from their…

Antenna Design and Measurement Software
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Antenna Design and Measurement Software

AnTune software assists in designing antennas and RF impedance networks. Their software runs on PC/Windows and can communicate with a Vector Network Analyzer over GPIB/USB/LAN…

HamPi Ham Radio Software for Raspberry Pi from W3DJS (#294)
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HamPi Ham Radio Software for Raspberry Pi from W3DJS (#294)

Equipment Portapack H1 For HackRF – Ultimate RF Hacker Tool June 19, 2020 No comments Read more Arduino semi-automatic antenna tuner June 15, 2020 No…

The 2020 Software Defined Radio Academy will be held online
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The 2020 Software Defined Radio Academy will be held online

This year’s Software Defined Radio Academy is taking place as an online conference. Because of the great number of contributions, we are spanning the conference…

New Beta of FT4 and FT8 software WSJT
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New Beta of FT4 and FT8 software WSJT

WSJT-X 2.2 New Beta of FT4 and FT8 software WSJT Joe Taylor K1JT reports the new beta version of the popular FT4 and FT8 software, WSJT-X…

AIRSPY R2 Software Defined Radio Firmware Update Procedure
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AIRSPY R2 Software Defined Radio Firmware Update Procedure

Here we take a look at the procedure to update an Airspy R2 SDR receiver. https://github.com/airspy/airspyone_firmware/wiki Review Adding an HF Linear Amp to Your Station…

New SSTV Software Now Available
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New SSTV Software Now Available

An update of the popular MMSSTV slow-scan television (SSTV) software is now available. Eugenio Fernández, EA1ADA, has introduced YONIQ, which he calls a modern version of MMSSTV. “We are…

ADALM PLUTO Full Duplex Software Defined Radio
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ADALM PLUTO Full Duplex Software Defined Radio

Antenna DX Commander Expedition Portable Antenna April 23, 2020 No comments A first look at the Portable version of the world famous DX Commander vertical…

Le comunicazioni radio di nuova generazione: il Software Defined Radio
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Le comunicazioni radio di nuova generazione: il Software Defined Radio

La rapida evoluzione dei sistemi di comunicazione radio, tradizionalmente implementati mediante dispositivi hardware, ha portato allo sviluppo di una serie di tecnologie che, da un lato, garantiscono…

Intelligenza artificiale: il software che impara a giocare a scacchi e che in 72 ore ne diventa Maestro
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Intelligenza artificiale: il software che impara a giocare a scacchi e che in 72 ore ne diventa Maestro

Prima o poi l’intelligenza artificiale batterà l’uomo e lo porrà in secondo ordine. Parliamo di vera intelligenza, di come un computer potrà affrontare i problemi…

LogHX – The freeware logger software, designed as complete Ham Radio environment
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LogHX – The freeware logger software, designed as complete Ham Radio environment

LogHX able to: Keep a QSO accounting Track and check of e-QSL and paper QSL exchange, via QSL-manager or direct Check preview QSO in run time…

Review of new SDRplay RSPdx Software-Defined Radio
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Review of new SDRplay RSPdx Software-Defined Radio

The SDRplay RSPdx is a single-tuner wideband full featured 14-bit SDR which covers the entire RF spectrum from 1kHz to 2GHz giving up to 10MHz…

Vivremo nel software
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Vivremo nel software

Io cominciai a lavorare con computer nel 1955. Il Consiglio delle Ricerche mi pagava per riparare il computer FINAC che conteneva molte migliaia di tubi…

Download Ham Radio Deluxe Software and HRD Product Manuals
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Download Ham Radio Deluxe Software and HRD Product Manuals

Ham Radio Deluxe v6.7Ham Radio Deluxe v6.7.0.244Ham Radio Deluxe v6.7.0.244Ham Radio Deluxe v6.7.0.244  Ham Radio Deluxe Software Ham Radio Deluxe v6.7.0.244V0.244 HRD Software is proud…

PACTOR Developer SCS Announces Monitoring Software
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PACTOR Developer SCS Announces Monitoring Software

SCS, the company that created PACTOR, has unveiled software that offers the ability to monitor the content of PACTOR 1, 2, and 3 transmissions over the air….

V1.0b of the Spectrum Analyser software developed by Steve Andrew specifically for the RSP line of products
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V1.0b of the Spectrum Analyser software developed by Steve Andrew specifically for the RSP line of products

“We are pleased to announce the availability of V1.0b of the Spectrum Analyser software developed by Steve Andrew specifically for the RSP line of products….

Free HPM 150th Birthday Event Logging Software Now Available
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Free HPM 150th Birthday Event Logging Software Now Available

Scott Davis, N3FJP, perhaps best known for the ARRL Field Day software that bears his call sign, has developed a free logging program for ARRL’s Happy…

Ham Radio Deluxe Software from Hamcom 2019
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Ham Radio Deluxe Software from Hamcom 2019

“I was privileged to catch up with Mike, WA9PIE, from Ham Radio Deluxe at this year’s Texas Hamcom. He discusses some new features of his…

SDRPlay Announce Update to SDRUno and Future Plans for Software Defined Radio at Hamvention 2019
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SDRPlay Announce Update to SDRUno and Future Plans for Software Defined Radio at Hamvention 2019

he RSP2 is an enhanced version of the popular RSP1 which provides three software selectable antenna inputs, & new stability and clocking features ideally suited to…

FlexRadio Announce MultiFlex Software at Dayton Hamvention 2019
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FlexRadio Announce MultiFlex Software at Dayton Hamvention 2019

Equipment RGO ONE at Dayton HAM VENTION 2019 May 20, 2019 No comments Read more RF-KIT RF2K-S Amplifier – Legal Limit Solid State PA May…