Work mode: FM Uplink frequency: 145.990 MHz with TON: 67 Hz [CTCSS] Downlink frequency: 437.800 MHzThe #ARISS team is pleased to announce that the setting…
International Space Station Antenna EID175 Antenna Rotor – Eidolon from Norway June 25, 2016 No comments *sorry about quality image 1.244,0 Eur Weight: 21 kg …
ISS International Space Station Cross Band FM Repeater Antenna 3/3 (6) element 50/70MHz Yagi (1.2m) July 26, 2019 No comments An Excellent Dual Band Yagi…
Sasha M6IOR and Sophie M6NYX have made available a Guide for the reception of NOAA satellite images using software defined radio on Windows or MacOS. The guide suggests…
Three strong winter storms (Petra, Sabine and Bianca) in February 2020 destroyed all the antennas of the Amateur Radio Remote-Station on the Mount Rigi Scheidegg…
W5FJG will be active from Amundsen Scott South Pole Station Antarctica until November 2014 as KC4AAA., KC4AAA Amundsen Scott South Pole Station. From, ,
An ARISS educational school contact is planned with students at I.E.S. Pedro de Valdivia, Villanueva de la Serena, Spain, multi point telebridge via ON4ISS. A multi-point telebridge…
8J1RL will be active from Showa Research Station, Queen Maud Land, IOTA AN – 015, until January 2021., 8J1RL Showa Research Station. From, ,
International Space Station (ISS) Expedition 62 crew is readying its Soyuz MS-15 vehicle for an April 17 departure back to Earth. Expedition 62 members are NASA Flight…
News Coronavirus: Initiative to popularise Amateur Radio and Satellite activities March 28, 2020 No comments The West India Zone Regional Coordinator for AMSAT-INDIA, Rajesh Vagadia VU2EXP,…
The scheduled March 7 SpaceX CRS-20 mission to the International Space Station (ISS) will include the initial Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS)…
Rajesh Vagadia VU2EXP is well-known as the West India Zone Regional Coordinator for AMSAT-INDIA. Over the years he has done a great of educational outreach explaining…
Two upcoming Space Station contacts are planned for next week: An educational radio contact is planned with Agrupamento de Escolas Serafim Leite, São João da…
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