Tad Cook, K7RA, Seattle, reports: Solar activity continues to be very weak, and the latest 45-day outlook seems to indicate more of the same ahead. Sunspots…
Yaesu FTDX10 YaesuUSA · Yaesu The Radio Show – FTDX10 New Yaesu compact HF and 50 MHz 100W SDR Transceiver available in December 2020.Functionalities of the top…
Windows SDR Software Package (Change log)This package contains:SDR# (SDRSharp) x86 revision 1756 2991c02 (2020-09-23) – The best free SDR software for Airspy and RTL-SDR dongles!Airspy R2/Mini Calibration…
IC-705 HF/VHF/UHF Mobile Transceiver – Coming Soon! The new portable HF/VHF/UHF IC-705 has many great features such as SDR platform, internal battery, GPS, Bluetooth and…
Here we take a look at the procedure to update an Airspy R2 SDR receiver. https://github.com/airspy/airspyone_firmware/wiki Review Adding an HF Linear Amp to Your Station…
Icom IC-9700 Icom Inc. has released a firmware update for the IC-9700 VHF/UHF/1200 MHz SDR Transceiver. The following improvements have been made: Changes from Version…
*** Includes Callsign database file version 2020-03-30 (2020-March-30) Changes: – US State Scan: A popup warning that a new scan is needed will be shown…
On Wednesday, Spaceweather.com reported a new emerging Cycle 25 sunspot in the sun’s Northern Hemisphere, but it was not yet numbered. By the next day…
Deluxe heavy duty trunk lid/hatchback mount. Strongest, most universal mobile mount available. 2-axis adjustment gives flexibility in mounting location, i.e. trunk lid, hatchback, vertical door,…
I felt cheated this week when a much-anticipated sunspot only appeared just briefly, disappearing after two days. Sunspot region AR2758 only appeared on March 8-9,…
It would appear that the brilliant 16 channel Floureon FC200 PMR446 handhelds have had a firmware update recently. Users are reporting the the radios no…
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